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When the three had finally reached the 200th floor Gon had his first match causing the male to get a broken arm, Wing had strictly prohibited Gon from entering any matches for two month and restricted him from any study of Nen.

Today marked the end of the two months. "Today you two will be learning along side Zushi. You may join as well if you'd like" Wing said turning to look at Y/n "I guess I will" She answered "I'm glad to hear that and Gon, good work I'm happy to see that you've kept your promise" He said with a smile "How could you tell Gon's been keeping his promise? For all you know he could have been cheating this whole time" Killua questioned receiving a pout from Gon.

"Because the thread is still together. I know it's been a while but could you show me your Ten" Wing asked getting a nod from Gon who now had aura surrounding him, a few seconds later the thread tied on his finger broke into pieces " I tied it onto your finger with my own Nen, If you had broken your promise I would have known" He pointed out.

Now they began to watch a recording of Hisoka's fight with Castro. Wing had paused it when Hisoka had his cards flung into the air above him "Now do you see the strands of aura?" He asked confusing the three, Y/n only nodded her head looking back at the tv "Gon, Killua, your assignment for today is to practice your Wren" He said "But what about me master?" Zushi asked confused "Zushi, your Nen is already strong enough to see passed Hisoka's Nen" He told him.

Then Zushi was asked to show his Wren, when he did he was surrounded with a big shroud of aura "Now concentrated that Nen into your eyes" Wing instructed "Now how many strands do you see" He asked "I see twelve, no, there's thirteen" Zushi answered still holding the aura in his eyes "Not quite, Y/n how many do you see?" He asked her "There's fifteen" She responded looking towards the tv "Correct, with more training you three will me able to use Gyo easily while fighting" Wing said.

"You asked if you could be able to use the same ability as Hisoka and my answer is yes but please note that the ability depends on the person which means that it will differ from each individual" He explained "Your last day to schedule a fight is on the 9th Killua, and yours is on the 10th Gon. Why don't you both sign up for one on your last day" He asked tapping on the calendar "So you should learn how to use Gyo before then" He added with a smile.

The four of them decided to practice their Nen in Gon's room but as they went up the elevator they could feel something that was bothering them "You guys feel that?" Gon asked getting a nod from all of them, when they exited the elevator three men were standing a few feet away "You really don't give up do you?" Killua asked mildly irritated "Just tell us when your going to fight" A man with a very pale completion said "We're getting desperate here, you see our dealline is approaching. I'll even demonstrate my power right her right now if you want" As he said that aura began to form around his left arm.

"Okay I'll be fighting on the 10th" Gon answered "I'm sorry that won't work for me, my deadline is on May 29th. Why don't you fight on that day" He said with a smile "Who cares about your stupid dead line, let's go" Killua said with the others following "Oh Gon I'm sure we're going to fight, I guarantee it" The man said "C'mon just ignore it" Killua said placing his hands in his pockets. When they were walking away Y/n could feel the pale man staring at Zushi in an odd way, she was sure that something bad was going to happen.

Her feeling was correct. Once Zushi had left Gon's room to go back to his house on the way there he was knocked out but luckily Killua had already picked up on what they were doing and on the same day he threatened the pale faced man causing him to leave Heaven's Arena. Killua also proceeded to threaten the other men with him but although they were frightened by the boy it still wasn't enough for them to quit.


Y/n decided to hang around in Gon's room while Killua and Gon practiced their Ten but then a phone ringing could be heard in the room causing both of them to lose concentration "Who's phone is that?" Gon asked looking around for his phone "It's mine, it's Illumi" He looked at the screen with an unsettling expression before picking it up "What do you want?" Killua asked "Yeah and why would I do that?" "So what do you want to talk to her about?" "So your really going to go through with it huh? Why can't you get Mom to help you?" He crossed his arms"Oh really is that so?" He then sat down on the nearest chair "Alright fine" He then tossed the phone to Y/n.

"Yes?" She spoke into the phone "Y/n I need your help" Illumi said on the other end of the phone "With what?" She asked curious "I'm getting married to Hikari in a few months and Mom wants me to get my suit and other clothes situated" He says, her expression became solemn. One of the things she hated the most were arranged marriage "Mom and Dad are to busy and Mom said to take you with me for obvious reasons" He sighs into the phone "Okay I'll come back home soon. Tell Kalluto I said hi" She said before hanging up.

"I need to go back home" Y/n said standing up from the bed "Aww really? But that's so soon! We haven't even gotten to see your Nen yet!" Gon whined "It won't take long but if it does then meet me back at Whale Island and I'll show you my Nen later" She said reassuring him "And besides you've got your bestfriend with you so you wont be alone" She added with a smile, from the corner of her eye she could see Killua's face flush a light pink.

Waving goodbye she exited the room ascending down the elevator leaving Heaven's Arena behind.

I think this will be the last chapter for now since I won't be updating for some time but I'll try to when I can.

Just a question but,

What do you think will happen between Illumi and Hikari?

Anyways I hope you liked this chapter!

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