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"I'm going to kill him!" Yin exclaimed marching towards the door "Yin stop! What's more important right now is to take care of Y/n!" Yang whisper yelled "But this is helping! If we get rid of that clown then Y/n won't get hurt by him anymore" Yin quietly protested "For the love of Kamisama would you just stay put for one moment K-" They stopped onces they looked at the expression Yin was making "I'm so sorry i didn't mean-" They then got cut off "It's fine, I'll stay put for now just heal Y/n" They said looking anywhete but at Yang.

As the atmoshpere around them became melancholic Yang sighed quietly to themself, moving closer to her head they gently kissing her forehead. Once their lips were no logner in contact with her skin glowing yellow strings formed around her bruises and cuts, as if they were sewing something Yang began to use the yellow threads, weaving them in and out of her skin healing her untreated wounds.

Once they finished they pulled the blanket over her body leaving her to peacfully sleep "Now come on if you really want to blow off some steam then actually kill people that'll help Y/n out" They said grabbing a list from the side drawer of her bed "And that is?" Yin said perking up a little "This is a list of people that Y/n needs to assassinate and it's seems she hasn't started yet and there's even a deadline" They looked at the list, concerned.

"Alright then let's go I wanna let out some steam!" Yin quietly exclaimed opening and jumping out the window while Yang followed.


The next morning Y/n woke up feeling stronger than before even stronger than the time when that cure the Phantom Troupe made for her was injected into her 'I don't think I've ever slept this good before'  She thought to herself stretching her arms up then she suddenly remembered something 'Shoot! I forgot about the list!'  She turned over to the side drawer of the bed, when she pulled it out she saw some names that were already crossed and a note taped on it.

Sorry we didn't ask you first but we thought it might help you a bit since your hurt.

- Yin and Yang

'So it wasn't a dream then, I really did fight Hisoka and lost'  She thought feeling around herself 'But I feel really refreshed. Maybe I've been blessed by the angels above!' She thought hopefully in her mind 'That seems illogical, I'm obviously not Kokomi Teruhashi'  She then frowned dismissing the thought.

Pushing the thought away and just concluding it with a "Thank you" out loud since she was to lazy to call them out she begun to get ready for the day. Getting up from her bed she went to the bathroom for a quick shower and changed into a white shirt a bit bigger than her size paired with blue jean short, an oversized gray jacket, and black and white sneakers.

Leaving the room she decided to look around the town instead of looking for Gon and Killua. The town wasn't crowded but there was a lot of people walking around, it was hard for her to walk but she managed to get to a space less filled and that's  where she saw it, a piano. An idea had suddenly popped up into her head, unlike Gon and Killua she didn't want to reach the 200th floor but she did want the money.

Since she's already getting the training she needs from her grandfather all that was left was to get some money, although her parents could simply supply her with the money she wants, she didn't want them to do that or did she want to become a trust fund baby, always depending on her parents. A part of her dream is to make a living of her own making money that she earned by hard work.

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