C h a p t e r 5

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Y/n's pov

As the sunshine hit my face I immediately jolted up looking at my surroundings'Huh? I thought I went somewhere last night. Was it a dream?'  I rubbed by eyes yawning but then I realized something, reaching down to my pocket the lump of the object was not there anymore 'I guess it wasn't a dream then'  I sighed to myself as I got up from my bed to take a shower.

Kalluto would always insist on picking my outfits but since he isn't here today I rummaged through my closet looking for something to wear. I ended up with plaid red and black skirt with a white dress shirt paired with knee high socks and red combat boots.

I looked at myself satisfied in the mirror but my eyes stopped at my face walking closer to the mirror "What is-AH" I jumped back in horror as I see what was on my face. It was a painted on pink teardrop under my right eye and a yellow star on my left. There was only one person I knew that would do something like this "HISOKA" I yelled.

"Achoo!" Hisoka sniffled 


"Where were you four?" A man with black hair with a cross on his head spoke "We went to visit Y/n" Pakunoda said "How is she doing" The man asked, all four of them went silent  because they didn't wanting to make eye contact they looked away "I asked a question" he closed the book in his hand "Pakunoda, explain" She only sighed beginning to speak "She's not doing so well, this time she looked even paler than before" She worriedly said "It seems that medicine hasn't been affective lately" He said "What do we do then Danchou" Shalnark asked.

"We must collect the other ingredients as soon as possible" He said standing up "Machi how many ingredients do we have as of right now" A pink haired girl pulls out a list from her bag "We have five out of the 10 ingredients" Machi said "That means we have five left to find but aren't those one's the hardest to find?" Shalnark put his finger up to his chin "They are but Nobunaga and Machi have said they have found one of those ingredients where the Kurta live" He said "Say Danchou isn't that the clan with those eyes" Shalnark asked "The scarlet eyes. They are normally brown but when they feel strong emotions their eyes will change" a short main with a bandana over his mouth said "Feitan since when did you become so smart?" A man with yellow hair wearing a track suit said smirking "Shut up Phinks" Feitan said irritated.

"Oh right Feitan, Y/n wanted to give you this" Shalnark held out the plastic doll head. Feitan took it out of his hand, examining it "What's it's name" He asked "I think it was Yui" Shalnark said, questioning himself "Ah what a pretty name for a decapitated doll" Feitan whispered to himself "Why did you ask her to decapitate her dolls again?" Phinks asked, looking weirdly at him "It's good practice since she can't do it to a real human yet" He said smiling under his bandana.

"That kid isn't going to be some executioner! She'll probably go for swordsmanship" Nobunaga declared "I don't think she'll go for that either. Since she seems to soft to go for one of those, I think she'll be on the lines of healing. Something close to Machi" Shizuku says "Come on Shizuku, that kid isn't that soft! She might as well go for fighting" Phinks stated "Yeah that kid would do great in hand-to-hand combat I know it!" A buff man exclaimed "Uvogin, Y/n might get hurt more that way. It's bad enough the kid is getting weaker, we shouldn't make it harder on her."

Her condition was no secret from any of them. Once it reached Chrollo everyone knew and by the time that happened she was already loved by all of them. She was like the little sister they never which made finding those ingrediants so important. If making that fluid was the key to helping her, they would spend years trying to retrieve all of them just so that she wouldn't be in pain anymore and so they could make her officially a part of their group. That was what Chrollo sincerely wished for.

He wants to make her a member of the Spiders.

They had all agreed that it wouldn't be right to ask her to join them so soon when her condition was still present but once it isn't a problem anymore they plan to ask her. None of them had any clue if Y/n would be willing to join them but they hope that if they free her from such a burden then she might be more willing to join. The last thing they would want to do is force and threaten her to join.

Chrollo coughs to bring there attention back on topic "Tomorrow we will meet back here to discuss the plan to infiltrate the Kurta's territory, we will look for the said ingredient and we will also be taking their eyes. For tomorrow be prepared" He said "You are all free to leave" He said flipping to a page in his book continuing to read. 

They all one by one began to go their separate ways.

Originally Hisoka wasn't a part of the troupe yet when they did it but let's just pretend he was there

Anyways I hope your enjoying my fanfic so far!

And can we all stop and appreciate this for a second, honestly this is just beautiful

And can we all stop and appreciate this for a second, honestly this is just beautiful

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