C h a p t e r 2

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 Kalluto's pov

Since today would be the first day Father trains us Mother asked me to go with Y/n.

I walked down the trail towards the Butler's Estate. What seems to have been a dew minutes, I shortly arrived at the front door. As I walked inside I saw Y/n sitting in the living room playing with a doll. She was wearing a simple navy blue dress reaching just above her knees and white sneakers.

"Father wants to start training with us today" She looked up from her doll to me and nodded with a small smile. she gets off the couch grabbing one of my hands and headed for the door. I didn't stop her I just watched as she walked along side me to the Main Estate.

Father first made us run 50 laps around the Main Estate, this kind of exercise was normal for me but I was surprised that she could keep up. Then he tested how much we could carry, for me it was two tons, she could carry just as much. Afterwards he tested our flexibility, I wasn't very flexible but I was still able to do the bare minimum but she was able to do everything she was told to do.

About five hours of exhaustion later Father finally ended training for today saying that in three hours we would be eating dinner with him and Mother.

I decided to stay with Y/n for the next three hours to get to know her better. What I've learned so far was that she doesn't talk much but she always shows what she's feeling with facial expressions. She is so cute! Even though she looks small she's was stronger that I thought. She doesn't need anyone to protect her but it would still be nice to stay by her.

After we finished training Y/n left the Main Estate right after. I'm trying to look for her but I couldn't fine her. A few minutes of walking around the forest I see Y/n sitting against a tree with picked flowers around her. I quietly approach her sitting beside her as I watch her make a flower crown out of white and purple flowers. Her small fingers weave themselves through each flower stem connecting them together.

Once she finished she stood up and placed the flower crown on top of my head. I was shocked as I looked up I see her smiling at me. She once again sits down but closer to my side she then says in a whisper tone "You are very beautiful Kalluto" I look at her, astonished her voice was so soft and quiet. I thought that it would take her more time to get comfortable with me but I was wrong. The first words she has ever spoken to me was that I was beautiful.

Considering that I was a boy it sounded a little weird but it didn't bother me at all. All I cared about was that Y/n liked me. To be completely honest I hope she never meets the others.


After three hours of talking and making flower crowns they both headed for the Main Estate for dinner. They walked into the dining room, instead of Y/n sitting in front of Kalluto she sat beside him. The two adults were pleased with this.

"It seems that you both seem to get along well" Silva said. "You both looks so cute!" Kikyo said admiring her two children. They both looked at each other and smiled beginning to eat the food laid out for them. The two adults didn't expect them to get along well in a short amount of time but this meant that they could proceed in their plans for Y/n.

"Y/n how do you feel about having siblings?" Silva spoke making the two of them pause. Kalluto froze the question he never wanted to be asked towards Y/n was said. He didn't want her to know about the others not right now at least. He wanted to spend more time with Y/n before her attention would be divided among her other siblings. Kalluto knew very well that the others would love Y/n. Everything about her was wonderful and there was nothing about her to hate.

Kalluto grew worried awaiting the answer that would leave Y/n's mouth.

"I....don't need other siblings" She said softly. Kalluto felt the sudden feeling of relieve until Y/n spoke again "But I wouldn't mind if I did" She continued to eat her food. Through the rest of the time Kalluto could only think about the answer Y/n said.


Kalluto paced around his room biting his thumb nail. He kept pondering about what Y/n had said during dinner that she wouldn't mind if she had more siblings. The fact that she did have more siblings worried him. His mind began to overflow with questions.

'What if she likes them more than me?'

'Will she leave me?'

"Will she spend less time with me?'

These questions played on repeat in Kalluto's mind. His pace began to speed up until is door flew open.

"A-Aniki what are you doing here?" he stammered. "I wanted to see why you were making so much noise" Illumi said staring at him with his soulless eyes. "Oh sorry" He sat down on his bed closing his eyes. Kalluto hoped that Illumi would leave right after but when he opened his eyes he was still there.

"What's bothering you?" He asked. "Nothing.......just thinking about something" Kalluto responded. "Hm go to sleep then" Illumi said closing the door behind him. Kalluto let out a deep sigh he was about to tell Illumi about Y/n. Illumi's eyes always had a way of making him tell the truth even though they were dull they hold a lot of power over him.

'Sorry Aniki it's not time for you to know, not yet at least. I want to spend more time with her and get to know more about her. I'm afraid you'll get in the way of that if you knew so until then I hope you never find out about Y/n.'

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