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Kalluto's pov

There's only two days left until that day comes. I pace back and forth in my room 'I'm not sure if Y/n even knows about this yet'  I bit my thumbnail nervously, stopping to hear knocking at my door to reveal my Mother "Kalluto why do you look so disturbed?" She asks coming closer to me "It's nothing" I answered simply "He only wants what's best for Y/n" She said "And if that's meeting everyone else then shouldn't you give her the freedom to do so? " I looked down "It must be hard for her to be alone all the time when you're away" She sits down on the side of my bed "Doing this will make her smile, don't you think?" 

When I looked up I saw my Mother's face filled with something other than stress and worry. She was smiling. The small grin was reassuring that Mother does care for her children, even the one she sent off to live with the servants.

"You might be twins but Y/n is not like you. She can't be left alone for long periods of time. At that rate she might catch your bad habit as well" The last sentence she spoke made me freeze up, when I looked over to look at her she was quietly looking off into the distance "It might seem like she doesn't want much now but over time she might want more and we can give that to her, don't you think that's great?" She looked at me once again with a smile 'Maybe it would be best but what makes her think that Y/n will feel that way?' 

"If we don't do this we might get another repeat of what happened last ti-"


"You said you wouldn't mention what happened ever again. Why do you insist on bringing it up every time?" I couldn't tell if it was me who was afraid or my Mother but either way no matter what even if I was outraged by my Mother's ignorance, I still was scared of both of my parents.

"Kalluto, no matter what happens, if you don't decide to tell her about it then someone else will" She spoke with a calm but stern voice. She got off my bed heading towards the door, her steps were quiet but slow, when she reached the door she softly closed it behind her. Not until then I noticed that I had been glaring at her the whole time she walked away.

When I looked down at my hands, I was shaking. I never had the courage to talk to my Mother that way. The thought of what happened that time was something I desperately wanted to forget. I don't want her to find out how bad of a person I am. The image I had created for Y/n was something I can't have ruined. The image that she seems to like so much. There's so many things that I have to do in order to keep it that way but as long as she can still smile at that image the way she always does then fine. That's all I need. 


Y/n's pov

I sat on the couch reading my favorite book: (Favorite book title) until I noticed that Mother came to visit me today "Hi Mom" I say putting down my book "Hello Y/n dear" She said with a smile "I came to tell you that in a few days you will be joining us for dinner with a few guests" She sat beside me "Okay" Was the only thing I said "Are you interested in who these guests might be?" She asked looking at me intently "Should I be?" I asked "No I just thought that you'd be more curious" She sat more into the couch "Your brother is really worried about you meeting them" I turned my head to look at my mother smiling sadly "Why? Are they people I shouldn't meet?" I tilted my head.

"No it would be best if they knew about you and you know about them" She patted my head "Your brother just doesn't like the idea of having your attention divided" Mother admitted "But I don't even know them yet" I got confused "That's what's making him so worried. He doesn't know if you'll like them or not. He cares alot about you" She said "But as I said before I don't really need other people other than Kalluto" I said seriously "Yes, but didn't you also say that you wouldn't mind if there were?" She looks at me " Yes but wait....was Kalluto bothered about what I said before?" Mother went silent.

'Was Kallu jealous?' 'Is this why he doesn't want me to meet them?' 'Is.....he ashamed of me?'

These questions began to fill my head. I didn't understand why Kalluto would be feeling this way. I wonder what's going through his mind, he always seemed so refined and closed off. I never would have imagined that he wouldn't want me to meet someone. It's not as if I'll instantly forget about him if I did, Kallu's always been here by my side I would never purposely want to leave him.


For the next two days Kalluto had decided not to go see Y/n, to get rid of his possessiveness he thought he should give her more time to herself. This might not have been the best way to go about it but Kalluto didn't know what to do, he was lost. What Kikyo said startled him, he was afraid that she will tell Y/n making her afraid of him.

One day he wanted to tell her about it but what she said made him regret ever mentioning it.

"Y/n can I ask you something?" Kalluto asked fidgeting with his fingers. She only nodded in response "How would you feel if someone loved you so much that they would do anything to keep you by their side?" He looked over to see Y/n, her head tilted back with her eyes closed on the couch, she sighed beginning to speak "If that happened I would feel very honored and happy that someone would even consider doing that for me" Kalluto's eyes widened with a glint of hope in his eyes.

"But, I would also be afraid. If someone does that then it might mean that they will end up hurting people for me and they would keep me isolated from everyone else and will end up becoming controlling over me" She clenched her skirt looking down "But I would also feel pity for them" His eyes softened looking at the young female "They might have not been given the love or care causing them to look for someone who will give it to them and when they do they won't want to let them go, afraid they might leave them they'll do everything they can to make them stay" She looked up to meet Kalluto's violet orbs "There afraid that the only person who showed them only kindness will leave them alone" She looked forward "That's what I think" He looked down his bangs covering his eyes.

Y/n had figured it all out with out even knowing that she was that person and Kalluto was the one she would be afraid of but felt pity for. 

It scared Kalluto a bit on how her answer was so accurate.

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