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After playing with Alluka for a while Alluka fell asleep. Once Y/n placed a blanket over her she left the room going to find her grandpa. It didn't take long since he was walking down the hall to the chamber Killua was being chained in.

"Grandpa" She said walking up to his side "Y/n" He responded back "Do you have an answer to that question yet?" He asked making her go silent "I'm still not really sure but for the time being why not?" She answered continuing to looking forward, he smiled at her satisfied with her answer he pats her head.

When they entered Milluki stopped what he was doing and looked at the door to see his youngest sister standing there "Y/n!?" He exclaimed holding out his arms "Millu!" She shouted jumping at him to be catched for a hug "I missed you" She said softly only for him to hear, as a response he hugged her tighter. Once she saw what he was doing before she came here her faced turned into a frown.

Letting go of Milluki, she walked over to him breaking the chain that held his right arm up with her bare hands surprising the both of them "Please don't be dead" She said out loud for him to hear "It takes more than whipping to kill me" He responded breaking out of the other chains restraining his legs and arm.

"Your father wants to speak with the both of you" Zeno said "Okay" Y/n responded grabbing Killua's had leading him out of the chamber "I'll wait for you just go get changed" She told him now walking in the opposite direction.


After Killua cleaned himself up and changed clothes he met up with Y/n who was waiting in front of their father's room. Once they entered most of the time it was Killua telling Silva about what happened when he was away then when they were almost done they made a blood pack, Silva had made Killua promise that he would never betray his friends.

Killua was then asked to leave the room leaving only Y/n and Silva "Come sit down" He said patting the now empty seat beside him, sitting down she crossed her legs looking up to see him staring at her right in the eyes but then they suddenly softened "Welcome home" He said patting her head "So I take it that you want to follow Killua and your friends for a little while more" He said "Are you mad?" She asked looking down "No I'm not but it seems your brother cared for you so much he made a deal with me" He explained.

"What do you mean? what kind of deal?" Y/n asked confused "Did you notice that your necklace had a tracking chip in it?" He suddenly asked "Yeah?" She responded "Have you ever wondered why we never went to go get you?" He asked another question "Yes, I brought it up with Kalluto earlier" She answered trying to connect the dots "Your brother must have already told you why but he most likely left some details out" He says, she looked even more confused.

"For you to be able to stay there he got into an arranged marriage with the Megumi's youngest daughter, Azami" He said causing her to look surprised "He also did that to stop your arranged marriage with Hiroko" He added "I had a arranged marriage with Hiroko?" She asked blinking her eyes surpirsed "Yes you were and don't tell or mention this to anyone especially Kalluto.  Wait for him to tell you himself" He said sternly, she nodded her head.

Leaving the room she saw that Killua was waiting for her "Come on let's go to the Butler Estate to wait for Gon" He said grabbing her hand. When they got there Gotoh told them to wait in one of the empty rooms up stairs until they arrive.

The thought still lingered through her mind. She could understand his reasons but she still doesn't want her brother to marry someone he doesn't like romatically, she hated the thought then it got her thinking about Illumi and Killua.

"Hey Killua" She called out to him "Yeah? What is it?" He asked getting up from lying down "Are you.......are you in an arranged marriage?" She asked him looking concerned "Yeah..." He simply answered "What!?" She shouted "What about Illumi? Is he in one too?" She asked "Well yeah...What up with all these questions?" Killua asked curious "Nothing just.....nothing at all" She sighed to herself leaning her back farther into the chair 'So that's it huh? Most of use were put into arranged marriages' She thought to herself closing her eyed.

"Ugh! what's taking them so long? Come on Y/n let go check" Killua said opening the door, Y/n following. Once they got downstairs they saw Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio already down stairs "Hey Gotoh I thought you'd tells us when they got here" Killua said "I'm sorry Master Killua" Gotoh bows to apologize.

They then got off the Moutain and got on a train. Kurapika decided to go his seperate way to find a job and Leorio decided to continue studying to be a doctor. Y/n decided to tag along with Gon and Killua, since they needed money they decided to go to Heaven's Arena.

When they got there they waited in a line before they signed up once they did the lady at the desk gave them each a number. After they finished they walked towards the arenas but Y/n couldn't help but feel as if someone was glaring harshly at her but she decided to shrug it off continuing to walk.

With just a push, a chop to the neck, and a flying kick to the face all three of them were able to finish their first matches. When they were in the elevator they met a kid named Zushi.

"You guys are amazing!" Zushi exclaimed "What do you mean? You made it up here yourself too" Killua responded back "No, no I still have a long way to go" He said waving him off "Anyways what discipline do you guys practice?" He asked curious "Discipline? Don't have one" Killua answered "Nope" Gon said, Y/n only responded with a head shake "Your kidding! And your already that powerful! I'm humbled to be in your presence" He said the last part with his head down.

Then a man with a untucked dress shirt approached them "You did well Zushi" The man said "Thank you Master, oh and you shirt is untucked" Zushi pointed out "Oh! Excuse me" The man then tucked in the end of is dress shirt "Oh and who might they be" He asked "They are Gon, Killua, and Y/n" Zushi introduced them "I am Wing" He said with a smile, they then did as Zushi did before "Osu!" They said in unison.

"Hmph it looks like she's here too" The mysterious girl said crossing her arms,  pouting "And my beloved~" She added looking admirably at the silver haired boy "I have to go tell sister!" She exclaimed running off.

I realized that I might have to watch some episodes to remember a few things so the updates might take even longer but still, I'll try my best to update when I can.

Anyways I hoped you liked reading this chapter!

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