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There was no casket, there was no other people except the Zoldyck family. They stood above the pile of dirt that now covered their beloved Y/n's finger. They decided to bury it near the lake filled with water lilies, it now became a place filled with the happy memories where they would be able to see her.

Silva, Zeno, and Kikyo had went back to the Main Estate, after an hour Milluki got bored and went back inside to his room and Illumi was assigned a mission from Silva, that only leaves Killua, Alluka, and Kalluto who were sitting around the buried spot.

"I miss Y/n" Alluka said wiping away the tears from her eyes, Killua and Kalluto went silent looking at each other "What's wrong?" She asked worried "Nothing just thinking" Kalluto responded looking away "They said they'll be clearing out her room next week" Killua said "What are they going to do with the stuff" She asked sadly "There probably going to throw most of the stuff out and keep the useful things" Kalluto said. They were left on a not so comfortable silence.

Kalluto suddenly gets up dusting off his black kimono "Where are you going?" Killua asks "I'm going to look through her room one last time" He says walking towards the Butler Estate "Knowing you that's probably not going to be your last" Killua says getting up giving Alluka a hand as well "We'll come with you anyways" He said "Do what you want" Kalluto says continuing to walk forward.

They followed close behind him entering the Butler Estate. Once they got inside the first room was filled with boxes with clothing, toys, and jewelry "I thought you said they would be clearing her room next week" Alluka said tugging on Killua's sleeve "I thought so to. I guess their getting an early start" Killua said "There wasn't much inside her room in the first place so why are they clearing it out so early?" Kalluto asked aloud walking up the stairs in a hurry, when he got up there he opened the door to her room reveal something so horrendous that he had covered his mouth to stop himself from vomiting.

The room was traced with a very fowl sent as he pushed the door more open he understood where the smell was coming from, the room was splattered in blood 'W-what is this...?' He thought to himself shocked taking a step back "Kalluto what's wro-" Killua had gotten a whiff of the fowl odor "What is that smell?" Alluka said pinching her nose. Kalluto gave no answer as he pushed the door more open to let them see, their eyes widened in horror as they look at the dead corpse in the middle of the room "Most of the blood belongs to the man there, unfortunately some of the blood on the bed belongs to Y/n" Although they were taken aback by Illumi's sudden presence Killua and Kalluto's blood ran cold.

They didn't know of the incident until now. There was only one question running through their heads "Is she actually dead?" They both began to doubt the assumption they made of her whereabouts as Illumi had told them that the blood on the bed was Y/n's "Mother suspected the blood on the bed to be that kind of blood but as of what we know she hasn't started having it yet" Illumi said "Then what's the blood on the bed then?" Killua asks "We'll that man on the ground was an assassin that was assigned to kill Y/n for her monthly test from Father" Illumi explains "But he didn't think it would cause such a mess" He sighs walking into the fowl room, he picks up the body tossing it out of the window that was open.

Since Mike was close by he stiffed the body out and came by grabbing it with his mouth then walking away "So that's why her stuff was in the living area" Kalluto says in realization "Yes but since we have to move the stuff anyways Father decided to start moving her belongings today" Illumi announced, Kalluto had gone silent look down then a hand was placed on top of his head "We aren't going to throw anything away, their going to move the stuff into a room in the Main Estate, Mother didn't want them to be thrown out" Illumi says reassuring him, a sudden glint of hope had shown up in Kalluto's eyes as he happily smiled to himself.


Night had fallen over Whale Island as the Moon was out shining over the island. Although it was already 12 am the young female was restless. She looked up at the ceiling wide awake wondering when morning was to come, after a few minutes she became drowsy, about to close her eyes she hears something shift inside her room followed by quiet murmurs, she then shot up out of bed to see two unfamiliar figures standing at the foot of her bed "Who are you?" She asks the two in the room.

"Please don't be startled but my name is Yang and this is Yin, we are moon spirits that happen to have inhabited your body when you were born" Yang explained nervously, the female only looked at them unfazed and confused "To make things more simpler we're just going to play something in your mind to explain things" Yang said stepping closer, although they were strangers Y/n felt as if they were no threat and that she could trust them letting Yang place two fingers on her forehead causing her to fall back onto her bed, unconscious.

There were a set of scenes playing through her mind as everything was explained to her in a fast and simple manner from the day they had entered her body to how they had been helping her through her life. It had also shown the forms that toke from little wolfs to kitsunes to gigantic wolf beasts to their human forms. After twenty-five minutes she finally woke up, little streams of tears began to roll down her face.

"H-huh!? Why are you crying? Please don't cry!" Yin began to panic worried that they hurt her, then she started to chuckle softly "Thank you so much" She looked at them smiling as more tears streamed down her face. Yin and Yang sadly smiled at her.

For the next two hours they explained more about who they were and they got to know more about each other. Y/n had fallen asleep at around 3 in the morning, Yin tucked her into bed as they both entered the glowing light in her chest disappearing.

Just a note Yin and Yang don't identify as either female or male so I use "they" or "them"

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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