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"Welcome home Y/n, please allow me to show you to your room" Gotoh said still bowing down "Yes thank you" She thanked him, Gotoh then led her into the Main Estate now walking down the dim halls in silence "Where's Anita? Shouldn't she be showing me to my room instead of you?" She asked confused "She has gone to see her parents for the day" Gotoh answered but the answer didn't convince her "That isn't true is it?" She asked not taking another step forward, Gotoh turned around looking her straight in the eye.

"I don't like liars. There is no need to protect me from the truth" She said not in the mood to deal with him right now, he sighed giving in "She was in a love affair with one of the other butlers as you know it is forbidden, as punishment she was used for Master Illumi's experiments, dying in the process" Gotoh explained, her blood began to boil even more than it already was.

She hated that rule that was set for all the servants. She already knew a long time ago that Anita was in love with one of the butlers working in the Main Estate. How she found out was an accident, she was walking around the Butler Estate when she saw Anita crying in someone's arms. Knowing she shouldn't be listening she decided to leave but before she could she found out Anita was proposed to and they both planned to quit serving the Zoldycks and live a happy life.

Anita begged Y/n to keep it a secret from everyone especially from her parents and she agreed but Kalluto had caught her stealing Y/n's jewelry for over a month and like that Silva and Kikyo found out giving her punishment for Illumi to decide, she was used to find out what Nanika could do and what the rules were dying in the process.

Y/n could say nothing more as Gotoh continued to show her to her knew room in the Main Estate, when he opened the door the room was filled with gifts from her 9th birthday and newly made clothes that were tailored to her size. Stepping into the room there was a soft smell of strawberries. Gotoh bowed before leaving her alone.

She sighed heavily to herself going in the bathroom to take a shower, once she finished she looked through the new clothes and picked out a white dress shirt under a yellow cardigan paired with black shorts with knee high socks and combat boots. Then something hit her, she remembered a hobby she used to do. Noticing that all of her stuff was in this room she began to panick ripping open boxes until she found the black box. Opening it she was relieved to see that they were all there then again she also remembered her black notebook, beginning to panick again she ripped open a few more boxes until she found it.

Hugging it to her chest she lets out a relieved sigh lying her back on the ground. For some odd reason she cherished these headless dolls and could never bring herself to throw them out, it reminded her of Feitan. One of the first Troupe members that talked to her when they first met.

Standing up she places the box and notebook on her bed walking out of her room to Kalluto's. Once she was now in front of his room door she was hesitant to grab the door knob but she grabbed it anyways opening the door to see him looking out the window when he heard the door open he turned his head seeing his sister standing under the door frame. He couldn't help it and ran towards her engulfing her into a tight hug.

He missed her so much.

"Y/n" Kalluto said softly hugging her tighter "I missed you Kallu" Y/n responded hugging back, letting go he grabbed her hand making her sit down on the couch in his room. Looking at her, he couldn't hold it in anymore starting to cry "Why are you crying?" She pulled his face into her palms "I missed you so much! I didn't know where you went and we were looking for you and-" Before he could say anything else she pulled him into a hug "It's okay now I'm here" She spoke softly caressing his back "But I gotta say Kallu your a really good actor, would have probably fooled me" She said pulling away.

"What do you mean? Why would you.....!" His eyes widened when the object she had been gripped her hand was revealed to him, the now crushed necklace that had a hidden tracking chip "Please explain" She said looking him straight in the eyes "I'm sorry! It's not what it looks like I just-" He got cut off when she stopped him pulling his face close to her's "That's not what I mean. Why didn't you come to get me? Is what I meant" She said letting go of his face.

"Do you remember what you told me what you wanted to do when you grow up?" He asked looking down fidgeting with his fingers, she only nodded her head letting him continue "You said you wanted to explore the world and see everything so I toke this chance to set you free from the estate" He explained "I wanted you to experience it now before you were older because I was afraid that your smile might disappear" He said "What do you mean?" Y/n asked confused "You looked so miserable and to me it looked as if you didn't smile unless you were with me or the others, I was afraid that by the time you could actually leave your willing spirit would be gone" He continued.

He felt bad for what he did, he never meant to chip her necklace but he got so worried and paranoid that he didn't realize what he did until after he gifted it to her but it became of good use to him since the night she went missing he checked the tracking device and saw that she was already so far away. He fought the urge to bring her back because the lingering thought of her dream popped up in his head. Taking the chance, he made a plan, made a deal with Silva, and ended up getting caught in the end.

Y/n wrapped her hands around his back "It's okay Kalluto, I understand. I was just worried and angered because I thought you were throwing me away" She admitted, he then turned to look at her surpirsed "No! I would never please don't think that!" He said grabbing her shoulders then suddenly a knock was heard from the door revealing Gotoh.

"Kalluto, your Mother wishes to see you" He says, Kalluto sighs getting up before he left he waved goodbye leaving her alone. Once he left she got up to deal with her other problem she was now standing in front of her father's room, she knocked on the door hearing a "come in" she enters the room "Welcome back" Silva said "I want to see Alluka" Y/n spoke getting to the point "I'll do anything just- I want to see her" She said, he closed his eyes sighing but he let her go anyways.

"N/n!" Alluka shouted leaping to hug her, tears were welling up in her eyes "Alluka!" She shouted back returning the hug "I'm sorry for leaving" Y/n apologized "It's okay at least you remembered to come see me" She reassured her then she grabbed her hand making her sit down with the pile of stuffed animals.

"Now tell me about where you went!" She asked excited to hear were she went, Y/n happily complied. After explaining all she could Alluka asked for her hand asking her to close her eyes and eat whatever was put into her hand, Y/n was curious but she ate what was put into her hand anyways which was a piece of candy that she hasn't tried yet then Alluka asked to braid her hair which she agreed to, her hair was now put into two french braids.

After three demands were met Nanika appeared.

Y/n turned around to face her "Please erase my family and friend's memory of Yin and Yang" She said seriously.


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