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Y/n's pov

My whole body was hurting especially my neck, I couldn't feel it but I could feel my head resting on someone's lap. The last thing I remember is that I was on a mission to kill someone.

"When will she wake up?" A voice whispered "We should let her rest more, the kid is probably tired" Another spoke.

Those voices sounded so familiar yet I couldn't figure out who they were.

"She can rest as long as she needs to, we don't have to return her when it's still one in the morning" Another spoke but this time their voice sounded so familiar that the soft tone was something I would never be able to forget "Paku...?" I softly whispered for her to hear "Y/n!" She yelled happily as she pulled my body up to wrap her arms around me.

"Huh? Where am I?" I asked as I looked around me. From what I could tell I was now in an abandoned church. There was many boulders and slabs of rocks everywhere, it felt like the building would cave in if anyone yelled "We're in a church right now" Pakunoda spoke with her arms still wrapped tightly around me "I can't be here, I need to finish my mission" I said as I began to push Paku's arms off me.

"Don't worry we finished it up for you" In the dark church I could barely recognize who that was until they stepped into the light, it was just Shalnark "Oh okay then" I responded as I got myself comfortable and leaned my head on Paku's shoulder.

"She's awake Boss!" I heard Shalnark speak again, when I turned my head to look at the direction he spoke I saw Chrollo quietly reading a book. He then closed his book at looked towards me "Welcome back Tsukiko" He said. I couldn't tell if he was smiling or not but I was sure he was.

"You don't need to call me by that name, just call me Y/n" I suggested, sitting up "Alright then, Y/n join us and become a Spider" It sounded more like a demand then and offer. Before I might have agreed but now there's Kurapika, he'd be disappointed in me if I decided to join after hearing about what happened to his people and besides that I had my own reasons.

"Why should I when you faked my death without my permission?" I stood up, walking closer to him "Why should I when you sent me off to live on an island all by myself? I would have died if it weren't for those people who found me and took me in" I spoke "We have been watching over you all that time so none of us would have let you die and that injection wouldn't let you die so easily" He simply stated.

"We only did what was best for you and if sending you to that island was it then we'd make it happen" He explained "It doesn't change that you did it without me knowing" I responded. My first few days at Whale Island I was so confused as to how I got there but it didn't take me long to realize Chrollo had brought me there. I was very mad and I almost ended up yelling at Gon.

If Aunt Mito wasn't the one who had found me then I would have never gotten to meet the four of them and my time there would have been miserable. If it weren't for my lack of sense for directions I would have been able to go home. Although I'm still mad about it I'm also some what grateful that they decided to watch over me and that injection....I'm still curious on where they got it from but either way it's what helped me a lot until now so I'm not so mad about that.

"But it wasn't so bad. Thank you for letting me see what was beyond my home" As I said that he smiled along with all the others "Do you want to join?" Paku asks with a warm smile. It's been a while since I've seen her smile, if there was nothing stopping me then I would have said yes.

I turned my head to look her straight into her eyes "I'm sorry Paku but I can't do that" I said, my words filled with remorse as I saw her frown "Don't think of it as us ordering you around, think of if more as going on an adventure with us" Shalnark spoke "If you join we will let go of your wolf" Feitan added, pointing towards the corner where Machi was restraining Yang with her threads.

"What do you plan on doing with my wolf if I don't agree?" I asked as I glared at Chrollo "If you don't agree then we'll kill it" He says, signaling for Machi to tighten her threads around Yang who struggled underneath the restraints. Knowing Chrollo, no part of what he said was a lie. If he said he'd kill Yang then he'd do it. It reminded me a lot of when we first met.

Realizing I had no choice I also realized that between Yang dying and losing Kurapika there was one thing I wouldn't be able to live with.

'I'm sorry'


I was only six when I started taking missions from Grandpa and it was also when I had just started taking on the name Tsukiko. I was finished with the mission I was assigned that night so I decided to sit down for a little and rest.

The Moon was high up in the night sky. The night didn't seem so dark when the Moon was providing light. I reached into my bag and pulled out a doll. I played with it along with the other dolls I had brought along with me, when I was done with them I pulled their heads of and gave them a name.

I didn't like playing with dolls the only fun I got out of them was disassembling the body and giving them names but back then I didn't know that Feitan would change that so I would genuinely come to like them.

While I aimlessly swung my legs and looked up at the dark sky I saw a few dark figures running across from one house to another. I was very curious to see who these people were. Even now I still don't understand why I decided to follow them, it was strange.

I stood up, brushing my kimono off as I set of to follow these people. I couldn't believe that I had followed these strangers for what felt like hours. When I was running out of breath and just about close to collapsing they stopped.

"I'm surprised a kid could follow use this far. Didn't anyone ever tell you to not follow strangers?" A man with his hair tied up into a high pony tail spoke "Wanna introduce yourself?" He said looking straight at where I was hiding. I honestly should have ran away at that moment but I stayed and revealed myself.

I slowly stepped into their view and I didn't notice that he had gotten so close "What's a kid doing up past their bed time?" He asked as he crouched down to my height. I didn't speak while I continued to stare at him "How old are you?" He asked "six."

"You're still pretty young to be doing this killing stuff so I'll tell you what we'll let you go if you promise not to tell anyone about this" He said holding out his hand "I can't let my target go" I then grew spike shards out of my knuckles. I shouldn't have picked a fight with them.

"Well if you want a fight then I'll give you one" He said jumping back as he took out his weapon. When I was about to jump towards him one of them had hit my neck knocking me unconscious.

The next thing I knew they took me to see their boss, later I found out that the man with the ponytail was named Nobunaga and the other two he was with were Feitan and Machi. Something I wasn't aware of was that Their boss had taken an interest in my and soon enough they all wanted to to meet me and just like that every time I went out for a mission I would meet a few of them. It was like that for a while.

Eventually I warmed up to them and didn't mind their constant visits. They were all entertaining in their own way especially Paku. From the start she treated me warmly, she reminded me a lot like a Mother. When I asked if she had any children she laughed and said no but she said if she were to have one she wants them to be just like me.

The Phantom Troupe was kind to me for a reason I still am clueless about. They did all they could to make me feel welcomed in their group. I am forever grateful for them but there's just one thing I can't do for them and seeing the look on Paku's face, my choice hurt her.

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