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Kalluto's pov

I walk down the dim lit halls reaching the familiar two set doors. Gotoh opens one to let me pass.  I see that there was no one here yet but Mother and Father. Since most of my siblings will be here soon I take my seat closer to the end of the table. After I took my seat Milluki walks in, he already has a napkin in his shirt collar, he takes his seat closer to Mother and Father.

 (Milluki really be looking like the walmart version of Levi) 😂

A few minutes later Illumi, Killua, and Alluka walk in together taking there rightful seats around the table. "I thought you wouldn't be here since you had somewhere to be" Killua said aloud for me to hear "I did but then I remembered that today's that time of month" Killua only tsk'd as he turns his head away from me.

As we were all seated now carts of food that haven't already been placed on the table came in. When I looked around me there's so much food 'I bet Y/n would love to try all of these' I thought to myself as I grab the food I wanted.

For the next 30 minutes we all ate our food in silence as the occasionally clank of the silverware could be heard. As I ate my food I could feel Killua glaring at me from across the table it was uncomfortable but I just continued to eat my food. After another 10 minutes we all finished our food just when Father began to speak.

"In a few days we will be eating together with a guest" Father announced "Is it someone from that family" Illumi asked "No it's not" I froze, my eyes widened in realization 'if it's not someone from that family then......no this is too soon!'

I quickly shot my head up to see that Father was looking at me with a solemn expression he blinked his eyes slowly as if he were saying the words "It's time" I quickly looked away clenching my fists under the table 'I know this was going to happen but a year is too short and Father's decisions are final...there really isn't anything I can do but watch it all happen' I let out a subtle sigh 'All I can do now is watch over her'

Father always knew everything that happened around the Main and Butler Estate. From the first day I had went to see her to the times I took her to see the lake. Every where we went he would always know where and what we were doing. I couldn't help but get the feeling that he's testing me.

I wouldn't be surprised if Father disliked Y/n. He never really showed any interest in any of us except for Killua and it was safe to say that he had a negative judgement for each of us. He never really cared for how close Killua was to Alluka so why does he care so much about me and Y/n?

Is there something about Y/n that I don't know about?


Y/n's pov

'I wonder what Kalluto's doing'  I said looking out the window. Outside had already became dark, the light the moon provided shined over Kukuroo Moutain. 'I hope he's alright' I walk towards my bed pulling up the soft covers pulling them over my legs.

I didn't bother covering my window I liked how the moon looks at night and I had a perfect view of it when I lay down it always had it's ways to get me to sleep. As I closed my eyes I could see the bright light shining over my body but it only lasted for a little bit.

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