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Lia's POV

I sat on the floor of my bedroom, my wardrobe doors open and several of my drawers also open; there were clothes everywhere. I let out a sigh and dropped my posture, letting my shoulders slouch down as I gave up trying to find something comfortable to wear that didn't make me look like a tramp. Demi was meant to be picking me up from work at 6pm, but I'd managed to convince her to let me go home for a couple of hours and she pick me up later. I turned my head to face my door as I heard footsteps outside.
"Are you alright Lia?" Saph's mother asked me as she passed my room, a pile of towels in her arms. I gave her a smile and nodded.
"Yeah I'm okay, thank you." I replied politely. She smiled warmly to me, tilting her head to the side slightly.
"You're ever so polite, you always have been. I appreciate that Lia, I really do." She spoke again, commenting on my response. I hesitated before I smiled at her, remembering what my mother always told me: Now, always remember your please and thank you's, and if you have nothing nice to say, it's best to keep quiet. I gave her a smile as a thank you, thinking that maybe saying thank you would be too cliche for the moment.
"I hear you're becoming quite friendly with a certain pop star..Demi Lovato?" She spoke again, causing my head to snap up to her at the mention of Demi's name. She chuckled little at my sudden response.
"Saph won't stop going on about it, how she's to thank for getting the tickets in the first place or something, I tend to zone out when she starts fangirling about something." She shook her head.
"Yeah, so do I." I laughed along.
"Well, I'll leave you" She gestured to the mess of my room. I smiled and she returned one, walking off with her towels. I turned back to face my wardrobe, making a groaning noise from my throat as I let myself fall back onto the floor, covering my face with my arms.
"What the hell happened in here..?" I heard Rose's voice at my door, followed by a slight gasp from Saph. I sat up and turned to them, making puppy dog eyes at them and indicating for help.
"What are you doing?" She asked me again, hoping for a worded response this time. I sighed at fell back onto the floor again.
"Demi invited me over to hers this evening and I don't know what to wear." I mumbled, hoping they wouldn't pick up on the fact that it was Demi's place I was going to, but being disappointed.
"You're going to Demi's again!? Dude I am telling you, she likes you!" Saph blurted out for about the one hundredth time.
"Yeah well maybe I like her too." I said back, then instantly regretting what I'd said. I could've sworn I heard both Rose and Saph's jaws hit the floor after what I said.
"Say that again?" Rose whispered, not knowing what reality was at this moment.
"I think I like her.." I lowered the volume of my voice as I repeated my words, my eyes slowly crawling up to meet theirs. I bit my lip and turned myself away from them, feeling my face blaze up.
"Are you being serious?" Saph asked, also in disbelief. I simply nodded, unsure if I would be able to speak.
"At work today, I went outside in my lunch break-"
"Lia it's been raining all day why did you go out?" Rose asked me as she came over and sat on the floor beside me. "Lia oh my god what happened to your face!?" She exclaimed, noticing the huge bruise on my jawline which I had completely forgotten about.
"Let me finish.." I warned her. "I went out I don't know why I wasn't thinking, just know what today is..on my way out I crashed into a rail that Theo was dragging along and I hit my face on it, hence the bruise, but anyway when I was outside Demi was driving along the back streets and she saw me and took me inside and dried my clothes for me and re-did my hair so I didn't look like a drowned rat. She was really sweet and she genuinely she would've just kept going if she didn't care.." I trailed off the end of my sentence. Saph and Rose were sat either side of me now, both listening to what I had to say.
"What was she doing driving down back streets?" Rose asked. I looked up at her, about to claim I didn't know, but then realised.
"I think she was going to get coffee, there's a little place on the corner a couple of blocks from Topshop, she likes to go there because there's a lot less people, and she knows the guy he always keeps her location private." I explained. Rose looked at Saph and smiled a little.
"Okay, we're gonna help you find something to wear. Are you staying over there or just going for the evening?" Rose spoke, standing up and circling around my clothes covered bed.
"I think I'm staying. I don't know she might have other friends going too." I added, taking away both of their sexually programmed imaginations therefore removing all chance of them telling me I'll 'get some'.
"Right so you want something comfy because you'll be sitting around a lot probably," Saph said. "But not something too slouchy." Rose finished her sentence. They both rummaged through piles of my clothes, gathering random articles of clothing and tossing them around the place. Meanwhile, I sat on the floor waiting for them to sort my life out for me.
"Here." Saph said, indicating I look up at what they selected for me. (A/N: pic on the side)

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