Give Me Love

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Lia's POV

I watched her carefully as she performed to the small crowds of 50 people before her. She sat poised on a high stool, her feet tucked behind the bar at the bottom, her hands resting on the mic which sat on the stand. She was pouring her heart out. She was singing 'Give Me Love' by Ed Sheeran, and she was singing it beautifully. She looked at me, her chesnut brown eyes meeting mine. For a while it seemed she was singing to me, just me. I looked behind my shoulder to see the small arena filled with nothing but plastic chairs and the sound of her voice. I looked back to the stage to find no one, she'd vanished from the stage. I turned to walk out but came face to face with her. She smiled that sweet, flawless smile. I smiled too, as our eyes met again. I felt her hands touch mine, her fingers intertwining with mine, fitting perfectly. I looked down to our hands, linking us together as the hung in front of us. She moved our hands up, still holding onto them, so they were by our chests. She had managed to bring our bodies closer together, just millimetres away from one another. My eyes focused on the small space between us for a few seconds, before looking back up to her gorgeous face to meet her gaze. My eyes lingered on every feature of her face before meeting her eyes, her perfectly defined cheekbones, her cute little nose, her eyes held their gaze on her lips for longer than anything before I met her eyes. Her eyes flickered to my lips and back to my eyes within a second. The space in between us was closing, our bodies like opposing magnets, unable to keep apart. Our faces were just a centimetre apart, I could feel her warm breath on my skin, smell her natural vanilla scent before me. She bit her lip as she looked at mine. She let our hands drop to our sides as she leaned even closer to my face, her lips cautiously approaching mine...

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