Truth or Dare?

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Demi's POV

"No Mar come on please stay just for another round!" I begged Marissa to stay. We decided to play truth or dare because that apparently always has to happen at sleepovers. I tugged on the cuff of her jacket in an attempt to pull her back to the couch with Lia and I.
"Okaaaaay Dems fine I'm staying. I suppose I could ask a couple more questions.." She let her sentence hang at the end, giving me a wink as she sat down again. Oh no. What have I got myself into? She saw an opportunity to embarrass me, and she took it. Fair play to her, but I'm scared now.
"Actually I guess you should get home and-"
"Oh no, after all that begging me to stay? No, I couldn't leave before one more round.." She winked again, teasing me with whatever she had in mind.
"Why do you want her to leave now? Scared she'll tell me all your secrets?" Lia also winked at me, not helping with how much I wanted to kiss her right now. Fuck! Demi what are you thinking!? I sighed, knowing I'd dug myself a huge hole asking her to stay.
"Okay, both of you have one question or dare, you can ask me first." Marissa instigated the game. I sat down beside Lia on the couch opposite Marissa, she was laying across it, but moved her legs to let me sit. As soon as I sat she put her legs back across the sofa, but just rested them on top of mine, driving me crazy.
"Are you giving me a truth or a dare?" Marissa asked Lia.
"A dare." Lia challenged, raising her eyebrows at Marissa.
"What're you thinking..?" I asked her, my eyebrows also raised. She bit her lip and sat up so we were at the same level.
"How would she react to having to put lipstick on either one of us without being able to use her hands to do it?" She whispered in my ear. I smiled at the genius idea, something to humiliate her.
"Clever, my dear." I said loudly for Marissa to hear.
"What is it?" Marissa asked curiously. I jumped up and ran to my bedroom, grabbing a red lipstick and running back.
"..without using your hands." I caught the end of Lia telling her the dare. Marissa raised one eyebrow, thinking about the dare."
"Okay fine." She got up and took the lipstick from me, and indicated I sit down. Of course it was me she'd do this to. She put the lipstick between her lips and knelt in front of me, attempting to apply lipstick to me. We both ended up laughing too much and she dropped the lipstick.
"Okay wait, so I can't use my hands when I'm putting it on her?" Marissa asked Lia.
"Nope." Lia replied, popping the 'p' as she spoke.
"Okay then." She accepted. I watched her as she picked up the lipstick and used the back of her phone as a mirror, applying it to her lips.
"Wait what're you doing?" Lia asked, sitting herself up fully.
"Pucker up!" Marissa said to me, winking at the same time. Within the same second, Marissa pulled me towards her, her lips puckered as they came to mine. Before I could stop her she was kissing me, trying far too hard to get the lipstick off of her lips and onto mine.

Lia's POV

"Wait what're you doing?" I asked quickly as I watched Marissa apply the lipstick to her lips. I felt my stomach drop as I already knew the answer to my question. Was she seriously about to kiss Demi!? What the fuck have you done Lia? My mind shouted at my idiotic move.
"Pucker up!" Marissa ordered Demi, not even giving her a chance to breathe before she pulled her in and kissed her. What was her angle here? Why was she doing this? Too many questions flooded my mind, but all I could focus on was how hard Marissa was trying right now. Just as I thought that, Demi pulled away and leant back into the sofa away from Marissa.
"Okay what the fuck was that Mar?" Demi didn't hesitate to ask.
"Come on it's not like we've never kissed before." Marissa teased her. Demi frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. Wait..that was true? Demi and Marissa had kissed before?
"Um..okay well I guess I didn't see that all..and Marissa you definitely out smarted me." I tried to laugh off the awkwardness of the situation at the same time as trying to cover my overwhelming jealousy. I don't even care anymore. Yeah, I'm jealous, so what?
"I try." She flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Demi, your turn." She spoke again, indicating Demi's turn to ask a truth or dare her.
"I'm starting to think this is a round to humiliate me and not you. You're not like this Mar what are you doing?" Demi asked her bluntly, no filter to her words in any way.
"Come on Dems, it's just a little fun. It's not like it meant anything I'm not out to ruin anything for you or whatever you know I'd never do that. Besides, you're my best friend, I can kiss Lia too to make it even if you'd like..?" She winked at me. I raised my eyebrows slightly in the split second I had before Demi objected.
"No, don't do that." She quickly stopped Marissa. "Dare. Since you like kissing things so much, I dare you to make out with the back of your hand for 60 seconds straight." Demi stated, folding her arms again and raising her eyebrows. Everything changes when you raise your eyebrows.
"Are you being serious?" Marissa laughed, thinking she was joking.
"Dead serious." Demi replied, the composition of her body remaining. Marissa's smiled vanished and she sighed, sitting back on the couch. I picked up my phone and got up a timer, setting it to 60 seconds.
"3, 2, 1.." I counted down for her to begin. She rolled her eyes and started to kiss her hand, and I started the timer.

Both Demi and I were in histerics as she made out with her hand. I was laid across the couch with my legs resting on Demi's lap, and her arms rested on top of my legs. We were both almost crying with laughter at Marissa as her face reddened.
"Okay okay time's up!" I managed to say after the 60 seconds had gone. Marissa almost threw her hand away from her face and pulled a face, seeing her hand covered in the red lip stick from before.
"Now I guess it's my turn to challenge both of you.." Marissa said, that sly look returning to her eyes.
"Within reason." Demi added quickly. I looked at Demi, her face scrunched up a little.
"Who's first?" Marissa asked, swiftly moving away from her little scene.
"I'll go first." Demi jumped in before me. I furrowed my eyebrows a little as to why she was answering so quickly.
"No let me." I insisted, looking at Demi and giving her an 'it's okay' look.
"Okay, Lia it is. I pick truth for you." Marissa stated, clearly having thought about this already. I smiled and looked at her, waiting for the question.
"How far have you gone with anyone, boy or girl, before?" She asked, being extremely blunt. I laughed a little, knowing that my answer would not be what she'd expect.
"Mar.." Demi hesitated before she went to say something else.
"It's okay Demi I got this." I said, my hand reaching up to hers, giving it a reassuring pat.
"I have never done anything with anyone before." I stated, giving nothing but the truth. Marissa raised her eyebrows in shock, Demi sat and enjoyed Marissa's shock, I must have told her I'd never been with anyone before.
"Really? You're lying surely..?" Marissa asked, not believing me.
"Oh no, I'm not lying. Never been with anyone in any way before." I repeated myself. She stopped and thought for a second before speaking again.
"So, you've never been with anyone before? Which must mean you don't know what you are like, straight, gay, bi, whatever?" She asked more questions.
"Do you really need to have been with someone to know what you like?Maybe I don't know..maybe I do." I gave her a frustrating answer. She frowned and rolled her eyes.
"You know what you are?" She asked another question.
"Sorry, but you already used your one question the first time, I can't answer." I teased her. I felt Demi's body moving as she tried not to burst out laughing.
"Oh I'll find out soon enough, my gaydar is on point, this one didn't even have to tell me." She laughed. Wait, did she mean Demi? Demi's a lesbian?

Demi's POV

I tried to control my laughter at the disappointment on Marissa's face at Lia's refusal to give her the answers she wanted. Although, I wanted the answers too. What if she's straight? All these things I've thought about her, about us, about how perfect she is, it would all be a waste of time.
"Oh I'll find out soon enough, my gaydar is on point, this one didn't even have to tell me." Marissa added. My jaw opened a little as I realised what she just said. Did she literally just out me to Lia?

To be honest, I don't know what I am. I've done things with girls before, and I liked it. Then I was with Wilmer for quite a while and I liked that too. Marissa once asked me if I was gay, and I told her I thought I was bi, which is true, I think I am, but I don't know. I've never been in a relationship with a girl.

"Thank you for that Mar, I think it must be my turn now. What am I getting?" I tried to change the subject away from what just happened.
"Dare for you. I don't think any truth I'll ask from you will be news to me so, dare." Mar told me. I nodded and waited for the dare. She smirked just before speaking.
"I dare you to kiss Lia."

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