All At Once

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Demi's POV

Lia and I had been back from New York for about 6 weeks, and wished every day that we could go back and relive the whole two weeks away. Since we'd been back, I made myself stay at home more, since it was a part of my recovery, and Lia had to get back into work anyway, and she sure did get right back into it, working almost every day. I've barely seen her since we've been back.

It was Saturday night, almost 10pm, and Lia was still working. So I had done nothing all evening but stalk social media watching my fans still going crazy over my album release last month. But now it was actually late, I decided to watch a movie. I crossed the living room of my house, or should I say our house, as it was shared between myself and other girls also in recovery, sitting cross legged on the floor in front of the TV cabinet, opening it up and letting my eyes roam over the stacks of DVD's in there. The girls always bought new ones in Walmart whenever they went there, just because our entertainment in here was quite limited, hence the amount of time I usually spent at Saph's house with Lia. My eyes landed on a DVD in a purple case, Silver Lining's Playbook. I slid it out of its slot and took the disc out of the case, popping it into the DVD player before scooting back to the couch. I picked up the remote and started to play the movie, pulling a blanket down from the back of the sofa and tossing it over myself.


"Okay, well I'll call you in the morning then, go get some sleep now it's pretty late." I spoke to Lia on the phone, pausing the movie mid-way through it to talk to her after work.
"Yeah I am just now, I'll see you tomorrow anyway right?" She asked me.
"Yeah of course." I replied.
"Okay, well make sure you sleep soon too." She told me.
"I will babe. I love you." I said.
"I love you too. Night babe." She replied.
"Night beautiful." I said before hanging up the call. I sighed, and pushed the blanket off my legs, swinging them round and standing up, heading to the kitchen.

I stood in front of the freezer, scanning the different flavored popsicles we had. I pulled out a blue one, and closing the door behind me as I headed back to the couch. I looked to my side at the cabinet against the wall on the corner before the entrance to the living room, noticing that there was a can of Pledge and a cloth on it. Before my mind could even question it, my foot slipped as I stepped back into the living room, bending underneath me as I landed on top of my ankle, hearing only a snapping sound, and a screech escape my mouth.

Lia's POV

I stirred around in my bed, my sleep being disturbed by the extremely loud ringing of my phone. I squinted my eyes as I sat up, looking around for my phone, but remembering I had actually put it on charge, which I usually forget. I quickly pushed my covers back, and jumped out of bed to grab my phone, but missed the call. I looked at the screen and saw I had 4 missed called from Saph, 2 from Rose and several messages from both of them. I immediately called Saph, holding the phone to my ear and impatiently waiting for her to pick up.
"Lia oh my god. Where are you?" Saph spoke as soon as she answered the phone.
"I'm at home, what's wrong what's going on?" I asked, feeling the anxiety start to bubble up in the pit of my stomach and painfully rise to my throat.
"Take my car my keys are on the counter-"
"Saph, where are you?" I asked her, confused as to what was actually going on.
"At the hospital. Rose is in labour please just hurry she needs you here." Saph panicked, stumbling over her words as she spoke to me.
"What!? She's not due for another month yet I don't understand." My brain failed to function. I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at the time. 03:47am. Shit.
"Just hurry up please." She cried.


"How may I help you miss?" The receptionist asked as I crashed into the counter, running into the hospital.
"Underwood. Rose Underwood where is she?" I asked, frantically hitting the desk with my palms, far too impatient to wait any longer.
"Are you a relative? Or-"
"She's my sister." I lied to the woman, knowing she'd never let me see her if I wasn't family.
"Okay and your name please?" She asked.
"Lia. Where is she?" I asked again.
"Let me see.."
"Please I need to see her I-"
"2nd floor, room 104." The woman cut me off, finally paying attention to the state I was in.
"Thank you." I said before running towards the stairs. I looked at the sign on the wall, reading the list of wards. Ground Floor - A&E, First Floor - Maternity, Second Floor - Intensive Care.
"Intensive care..." I whispered to myself before my head started spinning and I headed up the stairs at speed, jumping up them two at a time.

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