Life Support

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Lia's POV

We sat outside the operating theatre, Saph, Jackson, Demi in a wheelchair and myself.
"Why are they taking so long." Jackson spoke through gritted teeth.
"It hasn't been long, she'll be okay." Saph tried to reassure him with a shaky voice.
"It's been 5 fucking hours. It's been too long, something's going wrong." His voice cracked as he finished his sentence.
"Hey, calm it, alright? The last thing Rose needs right now is us stressing and swearing wondering if she's okay." I whisper-shouted to everyone, mainly Jackson. "That won't help anything, will it?" I added.
"She's right, all we can do is wait." Saph said.
"I've waited for too long without any answers-"
"Holloway? Jackson Holloway?" A female voice spoke over Jackson. He immediately stopped talk, and stopped pacing, he just stood stationary and gawked at the woman who had just approached.
"Is she okay? Rose, is Rose okay?" He scrambled over his words as he stepped closer to the woman.
"I'm afraid I have no news concerning Miss Underwood, however, I can confirm that you have a daughter." She spoke, no hesitation what so ever.
"A daughter..a girl I have a baby girl.." He whispered to himself.
"Where is she? Can I see her?" He asked quickly.
"She's in intensive care, she's been there and steady for a while." The woman informed.
"But she's okay?" He asked again.
"There were some..complications during Miss Underwood's labour, as you have been informed an emergency C-section had to be performed. Your daughter, as well as being 5 weeks premature, had her umbilical cord caught around her neck, and so her airways were constricted. She wasn't breathing, but is now doing fine, she's breathing steadily and she's healthy as can be expected." The nurse finished explaining.
"You may see her." She added. Jackson almost fell to his knees hearing the words, and immediately followed the woman through the double doors ahead of us, leaving us three outside Rose's theatre room in about the same state as before.
"If a 5 week premature non-breathing baby can survive, Rose definitely can." Saph spoke rather quietly, almost just to herself, and almost for reassurance. Just as she sighed, we heard ecstatic beeping from behind the closed doors beside us. I jumped up suddenly and cupped my hands around my face and against the pane of glass in one of the doors.

"We're losing her, defib."

"Charging 360."



"Again. Charging."



"CPR, 2 minutes."

I stood at the door, barely able to see due to my eyes tearing up and the amount of surgeons surrounding my best friend.
"Lia what are you doing?" Demi asked me, although I couldn't tear my eyes away from the window.
"She's not breathing." I whispered, my voice cracking even then.
"What?" Saph stood up and came over to me.
"She's not fucking breathing." I gritted my teeth. Saph joined me at the next window along, squinting her eyes to try to get a clearer view.

"She's gone again."

"Charging, 360."



"Again. Charging, and clear."



"Charging 360."



By this point I was curled up in a ball on the floor by the doors, my body folding over itself and tears streaming down my face. I could feel a hand rubbing circles on my back, but it was hard to acknowledge. I shook my head aggressively in my hands as I forced myself to stand up, and my legs to move forward, faster and faster each step. Soon enough I was sprinting, crashing into the walls at every corner. I basically threw myself down each set of stairs, running as fast as I could, half trying to be careful and half not caring at all. I ran towards the exit and threw open the door. The cool air hit me too hard, and a tripped backwards, landing flat on my back and evidently winding myself. I lay helpless on the concrete, taking in short sharp breaths, but not letting any out. I could feel myself about to pass out, my eyes closing, and shadow falling over my face.
"Hello? Hello?" I heard a deep male voice speak over me. After a few seconds, I felt strong arms slide under my neck, and the back of my knees. The strong set of arms lifted me up, and I could hear the sound of heavy boots on the floor, and a slight temperature change as I assumed the man had carried me inside.

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