Better Together

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Lia's POV

I woke up to the feeling of something on my back, trailing down my spine. My arms were crossed over my pillow and my head was resting on the side. I fluttered my eyelids open, squinting at the streaks of light coming through the curtains. My eyes focused and I came face to face with my beauty.
"Hey you." Demi whispered, her fingertips still lightly running up and down my bare back.
"Hi." I also whispered. She bit her lip and turned her head, covering up her red cheeks. I lifted my head and moved one of my arms so I could rub my eyes and actually feel awake. Demi leaned forward as I rested my head back down and started kissing along my shoulders to my neck, causing me to smile and my stomach to flip.
"" She whispered as she moved back.
"Hmm?" I hummed. She lifted her hand and traced a spot on my neck. I furrowed my eyebrows a little, not really knowing what she was doing.
"What is it?" I asked. She giggled and bit her lip.
"There's just a little hickey right there.." She traced over my neck again. My face dropped and I jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom, looking at the marks on my neck.
"Where are my glasses I can't even see properly?" I called back to her.
"I don't know babe..I can see perfectly.." I heard her say with a cheeky tone to her voice. I looked back at the mirror, forgetting I was wearing absolutely nothing. I rolled my eyes and turned my head back to her, keeping my back to her.
"Find me a tshirt or something pleaseee?" I asked her. She giggled and sat up, taking my covers with her. A few seconds later she threw me a thankfully very over sized tshirt which stopped midway down my thigh, and a pair of my boxers. I pulled the shirt over my head, put on the boxers, then picked up my glasses, putting them on and leaning forward to look at my neck.
"Demi! Oh my god." I shouted her name. Demi had managed to give me two deep purple hickeys on my neck (A/N: pic on the side). Turning back and stopping in the doorway to the bathroom, I gave her a deadly look. She was just grinning like a child at me, hiding under my covers.
"Are you serious? Look at my neck, I have work tomorrow!" I whined. She didn't say anything, just kept giggling.
"Something funny?" I took a few steps forward, my hands on my hips. She bit her lip and shook her head. I crawled back onto the bed and sat on top of her with one leg on either side of her body.
"Two can play that game.." I threatened her, then crashed my lips onto hers, not giving her a chance to fight back or even try to. I grabbed her arms and help them above her head as I moved my lips along her jawline to her neck, biting down a little and rolling my tongue over her skin. She let out a whimper as I got my payback, her body squirming under me.
"Lia.." She barely managed to say.
"Yes babe?" I hummed against her skin. I pulled away and looked at her, our faces inches apart.
"I forgot to mention the shower..your body is just, perfection." She whispered.
"Well thank you, takes a good body to know one.." I winked at her, then jumped off her and stood at the end of the bed.
"Breakfast?" I asked. She raised her eyebrows and shook her head a little.
"For me, yes, you've already had yours.." She said, running her fingers over the love bite I just gave her.

Demi's POV

I sat at the island in the kitchen, wearing a huge white tshirt of Lia's which said 'no pants are the best pants' on the front, while Lia cooked some pancakes for us. There were a pile on a plate already that were done, but she kept making more.
"Why so many?" I asked her, knowing I wouldn't be able to eat that many, and she wasn't a breakfast person really.
"Saph's here, she'll smell food and think it's for her, she doesn't know you're here." She told me, still facing the cooker. I nodded, understanding. Lia opened up the cupboard above her head and pulled out 3 plates, then turned and set one down in front of me, one beside me, and one on the end. She picked up the stack of pancakes and put them on the island in front of me, grabbed some sauces and syrup from another cupboard and also put them down.
"Coffee? Juice?" She asked me, indicating to both the fridge and coffee machine.
"Hmm..juice pleaseee." I gave her a grin and she smiled back, then got some glasses out and the juice from the fridge, pouring it out into the two glasses.
"Here you go princess." She set it beside my plate, then walked around to the seat beside me. My eyes followed her and waited for her to sit down before turning her head to me by her chin and pouting. She leaned up and kissed me quickly, then sat back down and smiled.
"Thank you babe." I said as I picked up a pancake and some chocolate sauce.
"Anything for you." She said, leaning on her elbow. Just as she said that, I heard a door open and I turned to look behind me to find Sapphire emerging from her room, her dark hair up on top of her head. She was wearing red polka dot pyjama shorts and a black tshirt.
"Did you make breakfast for me?" She yawned as she spoke, walking over to us.
"Yes I made extra for you." Lia sat up and moved her hand to her neck, still leaning on her elbow. I frowned at her action, wondering what she was doing. She looked at me and widened her eyes, looking at my neck too. Then I remembered, the hickeys. I subtly moved my hand to my neck, then picked up my fork and broke off bits of pancake with it, unable to use a knife.
"Aren't you the best?" Saph said to Lia as she sat down and took a pancake, smothering it in syrup.
Lia didn't respond, just nodded her head slightly and took a bite of her breakfast. Saph looked at both of us, her mouth full of food. She squinted her eyes and then seemed to smirk a little.
"I didn't know you were here Demi," She said to me. "What time did you get here?" She asked. I swallowed my mouthful.
"Quite late last night, I came back with Lia instead of going home with Dallas." I explained to her. She nodded and took another mouthful.
"I'm going to see Rose today do you guys wanna come?" Sapphire spoke again. I looked at Lia who was also looking at me.
"Do you want to go?" She asked me. I shrugged and smiled.
"Yeah sure, I don't mind." I replied. She smiled and turned back to Saph.
"It's her birthday in like 2 weeks right? Do you think she'll want to do anything?" Lia asked Saph. She shrugged and shook her head a little.
"I don't know, if you were 6 months pregnant would you want to do anything for your 20th birthday?" Saph asked.
"I wouldn't but, Rose likes her birthdays, the presents, attention, but would she want the attention now?" Lia balanced the pros and cons.
"You know, you could ask her.." I said sarcastically to Lia. She raised her eyebrows at me.
"Don't be getting cocky with me now missy." She lifted her hand and pointed to me. I bit my lip and heard Saph beside me almost choke on her mouthful.
"What?" Lia asked, confused. I looked at Sapphire and shook my head, biting my lip to stop myself laughing.
"Oh nothing nothing, but that's a nice hickey you got there." Saph smirked as she spoke. Lia's mouth dropped open and I hid my face in my shoulder.
"Demi I could fucking kill you.." She threatened. I bit my lip again and just looked at her, giggling.
"Oh but haven't you already done enough?" I asked her, moving my hand from my neck revealing the already dark purple and red mark that I was given this morning.
"Holy shit Lia, I didn't know you had it in you, well done," Saph said to Lia, quite honestly shocked. "But Demi did a better job on you.." She continued. I burst out laughing and looked at Lia, who had a deeply offended and upset expression on her face.
"Aww baby don't worry, you'll learn." I put my arms round her, but she didn't return the hug.
"I did a good job okay." She shrugged me off and took a bite of her food.
"You did babe, you did." I reassured her, sitting back properly.

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