The Party of a Lifetime

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Coulson folded his arms and leaned against the car seat. He was in a limo. Or not a limo, it was obviously a 1962 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud. Coulson could easily make out old cars. He slid his finger against the leather. It was brand new and the car was scented with the smell of the new leather. The car was empty, besides from Coulson and his driver. May was running a bit late because Skye misplaced her dress. So they spent a solid thirty minutes looking for it. Which made her a bit late.

It wasn't long until Coulson felt the car stop it's motions. The windows were double-sided blackout windows so he couldn't exactly see out of them. It wasn't until he heard his driver slam the door closed and open his that he saw the bright sun. Mack stood there, the door handle in hand. Coulson slid out, his eyes squinting in the light. There was a canopy over their heads which shielded them from the suns harmful rays, but it was still bright outside and Coulson had been trapped in a dark car for over an hour. Mack nodded toward him.

"Sir." He greeted. Coulson adjusted his tie and nodded to him.

"Notice the car? 1962 rolls restored it myself." Mack said proudly. Coulson smirked and nodded, examining the car.

"I noticed," he told him proudly before turning back to him.

"Still not letting you work on Lola." He added. Mack just tsked and smiled.

"In time sir, in time," he told him as he closed the door. Coulson buttoned one of his buttons on his blue suit. He hated how tight they felt when he sat down so he always unbuttoned them slightly.

"When is May gonna show up?" Coulson asked curiously. Mack opened his mouth to talk but closed it once they heard a woman's voice over the coms.

"Turn around idiot I'm right behind you in a car." May scoffed through coms. Coulson smirked and turned around. There was a black limo sitting there waiting to be opened. Skye was in the drivers seat and had a nice woman's suit on. Sunglasses shielded her face and she waved to Coulson. He nodded towards her and walked over to the car. There were multiple doors so Coulson wasn't really sure which one was the one that contained May but he chose the one closest to the front. He gripped the handle and opened the door. He froze. May sat there. She smirked a bit. She was wearing a sparkly silver dress that hugged her curves and silver high heels that matched. Coulson gulped. She looked beautiful. He must've showed it on his face because May scoffed.

"Wanna keep gaping or are you gonna help me out?" She joked. Coulson's thoughts broke and he smiled at her. He slowly held his hand out and May took it with hers. Coulson lead her out of the car and they kept their hands laced together in a proper manner. Once they stepped away from the car they lowered their hands and laced their arms together. May put on a fake smile and Coulson grinned. He couldn't take his eyes off of May. She always looked beautiful in dresses. They walked up to the receptionist, with Coulson leading May. They began waving to people who waved at them as they walked by. Coulson stopped a few inches away from the desk and the man nodded towards them.

"IDs." He said plainly. May looked at Coulson and smiled. Even if she was faking it, it was the most beautiful smile ever according to Coulson.

"Charles," May told him. Coulson slid out a wallet and began looking for IDs that Fitz had made.

"I always like to let him carry my things, gives him purpose." May joked cheerfully to the receptionist. Coulson smiled and played along as he slid the IDs towards the man. He gradually took them.

"Plus, I know she can't run off without me." He grinned. The man grinned at both of them and gave them back their IDs after checking them.  Coulson took them and slid them back into his wallet. Arms still linked they walked off as Coulson shoved his wallet into his pocket. May's heels clanked against the tiled floor and the cold wind of air conditioning hit their faces. Coulson moved passed people and May followed beside him. Everyone was either in fancy dresses or suits, but with all the pretty dresses around, Coulson didn't take his eyes off of May. May caught him staring slightly as they reached the side of the dance floor.

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