A Gun Trail Never To Be Followed

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May sighed as she slid herself into her dorm. She closed her door behind her with one hand and her other held a black bag. May looked around her room. It was all packed up and her shoes, guns, knives, shirts, jeans, and leggings were all placed and folded neatly on the bed which she had made up just as neat. The pillows were near the top of the bed, two on each side and one rested on top of both of them. The sheets folded just before they met the soft pillows. May had tucked the sheets under the bed tightly. May looked at her stuff for a moment before flopping her bag on the empty space of her bed. She unzipped the bag and grabbed her jeans. She stuffed them in. She did the same with her shirts, shorts, leggings, and her lady essentials. But once it came to her gun she turned the safety on and slid it into her holster which rested around her thick jeans. Once everything was packed May stared at it for a moment. She didn't want to leave, she wanted to stay with Coulson and try and regain some of that trust she had lost. But he clearly didn't care that she was here, and obviously wanted her off the plane and base. May didn't blame him for that, but it made her feel alone in the world. The only person she cared about didn't care anymore, and even whenever she was in her cubicle alone, she knew she would have Coulson. Now she didn't, and now she had no reason to stay. Some part of her wished that she would run into Coulson, and he'd ask her to stay. But she knew she was just being nostalgic. May rubbed her fingers against her temple as the stress began to increase. She lowered her hand and crossed her arms. She was staring at her bag as she debated multiple things in her mind.
Should I go say bye? Would he even care if I was gone? Will Skye, Fitz, and Simmons be okay? What if Hydra gets them? What if they get me? What will I do when I leave? I need to contact someone I trust. Maybe Bàba? No.. he's probably busy and can't drive down the driveway without hitting something. Maybe Māma..

"How's it coming?" A voice boomed behind her. May instantly snapped out of her thoughts and turned around. Ward stood there. One eye was bruised and there was a nasty looking cut that she knew would scar over. Dry blood and bruises decorated that side of his face, as if someone had punched him. She instantly knew he was talking about the bus. May had cleaned up and made sure the plane was ready to fly when need be, she at least had to do that.

"Is the bus operational?" He asked again.

"She's banged up but ready to fly," she told him.

"The fuel line's been repaired and the tank is full" she explained. Ward nodded a bit. May leaned on her bed, hiding her bag. Ward leaned on the doorway.

"What's the range on this thing?" He looked down at the floor of her dorm as if he was looking through it and at the outside of the bus. She tried to not look at him but occasionally looked up so she didn't seem suspicious. She needed to leave.

"Just under 10,000 miles." May answered plainly. She hesitated for a moment, trying to figure out if she should leave in front of him or not.
I'm not a traitor.. she thought to herself. She forced herself to grab her bag and when she looked up Ward had his hand behind his back as if he was reaching for something. May thought it was strange but she ignored it. She passed Ward as she tried to walk away. She saw with the corner of her eye, Ward lowering his hand from his back.

"Are you leaving.?" He asked slowly. May froze. She turned around. He crossed his arms and scrunched up his eyebrows and stared at her curiously.

"Yeah.." she pressed her lips together awkwardly. Ward stared at her for a moment.

"I was here, For Coulson.." May filled the silence. She paused for a moment, remembering Coulson's exact words. All the hateful things he said, which cut May deeper than a knife would. Hurt a lot worse too.

"But he can't see passed me lying to him." May stared at him for a moment, and gripped her bag tighter. All she wanted to do was help. Ward gave her a curt nod.

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