A Prank By A Ghost?

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May walked through the bus. They were about to take off and she was the only one in the plane. Coulson and the others had decided to stretch their legs outside for a moment, which is the only reason why she landed the plane was because they were constantly begging for her to land it. May walked slowly up the spiral stairs and through the main area. She didn't really feel like staying outside anymore, especially after last night. She passed the couch and was walking towards the bunks. She was aiming to go for her own but stopped short when she realized that Fitz was asleep in his room. His door was wide open, and he was snoring. His face was leaned to the side and his hand dropped down to the side of his bed. Which gave May an idea. A prank at that, she hadn't pranked people in a while, and usually only did it to Coulson. But the way Fitz's hand was laid and the fact that he was asleep, gave her a perfect idea, besides, she needed the distraction. She looked around for a moment to make sure no one had decided to come in after stretching before walking down the bus and towards the small kitchen. She slid passed the island and opened the fridge. She looked at the door that held many sauces, and cans until her eyes finally fell onto a small canister of whip cream. May grinned slightly at the sight of it. She grabbed it from the fridge and closed the door a bit hard. It echoed through the plane which made May flinch, she really hoped it didn't wake Fitz up. She walked quickly and quietly back towards his bunk. She poked her head in and found that he had already changed positions form where he was last. His hand still drooped down off the bed his hand exposed and his palm open wide.
Good, he moves while he sleeps. She smirked. May slipped out of his room and automatically went into her own. She sat down on her bed for a moment as she rested the can on her bed. She grabbed a pillow, which had white feathers sticking out through the holes of the fabric. Her mother had given her this pillow, but she didn't like it that much because of how big the feathers were and how much they hurt when they poked her. She looked for a feather that was sticking out until she found an abnormally large quill of a feather. It was thick and looked big, so May easily slid the feather out. She was right, it was a big feather, at least the size of a Hawk or Eagle feather. It was perfect. She grabbed the canister with her free hand and walked swiftly out of her room. May went down three bunks until finally stopping at the one that housed Fitz. She bent down to get level with the bed. He let out a loud snore and mumbled a bit. Which made May grin with amusement. She quickly popped off the lid of the whip cream can and applied pressure to the tip of it. It automatically hissed as a white cloud like substance filled Fitz's palm. May smirked and kept his hand still so that May could place the feather next to him. His head was turned away from the feather but May knew that if she placed it just right that the next time he turned it would tickle his nose in the right spot. May looked at the nightstand Fitz had designed on the other side of his bunk. His phone stood there with a clock on it, counting down the minutes until it rung. She grabbed it and sat it on the nightstand that was closer to her. That way, if her plan of him moving fails, he'll have to turn his head to get to his alarm clock. May examined her work for a moment, just to make sure everything was set up perfectly, and it was. She sat there, grinning as she admired her work. Until she heard the banging of footsteps coming up the stairs. May turned her head to the noise. She knew it had to be her team so she quickly walked out of his room and slid the door closed behind her. She sprinted down the bus and into the cockpit so that no one saw her. She had a sly grin on her face as she slid down into her seat and pressed a button. The engines roared as they fired up, ready to take off. She usually did this to warn anyone who was still outside that she was ready to leave and to get their asses on the plane. She also waited about five minutes to close the ramp and take off, so she sat there for a moment, imagining what would happen when Fitz woke up.

Coulson sat there staring at the word Jemma had just made. Aglet?

"Ta daaa.." Simmons celebrated quietly. She raised her hands close to her head and admired her work before setting them down back onto the armrest of the chair.

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