Sicky Sicky.

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Three Times Melinda May has taken care of The Bus Kids while they were sick.

Not a Philinda Fanfic.

Just a Mama May Fanfic.

One scene in this one-shot is inspired by the picture above.


Number Uno

Skye walked through the base. Her head ached, her stomach turned with a sudden nausea. Her face was paler than normal, and she felt exhausted.

But she had to get up. She had already slept in late, and she was supposed to be up at 6:00 to meet May for training.

It was 7:30

Skye slumped down the hallway and walked into the training room.

She leaned against the doorway slightly as a wave of nausea came crashing down onto her. She gently caressed her stomach which laid under a white T-shirt and began taking deep breaths.

She knew she wouldn't be able to hold down her sickness for long, so she just hoped she could hold it in long enough to get this training session over with.

Skye looked back up to see May doing Tai-Chi, Her back was faced towards her. She was wearing her normal attire. A tank top and leggings, but her long wavy hair wasn't pulled up in a ponytail.

May gently rolled her arm to the side as she brought her leg up. She lifted up onto her toes and held the pose for a moment. After taking a deep breath in, she gently lowered herself down and raised her other leg into another pose.

"You're late.." She began.

Skye bit her tongue as she pushed herself away from the doorway.

"Sorry, I slept in." She mumbled as she trekked her way towards the older agent. May let out an exasperated sigh and planted both feet on the ground. She slowly began turning herself around to face Skye.

"Look. I'm different than Ward I'm not gonna..." She instantly trailed off after meeting Skye's gaze. Her lips pursed together as she barley furrowed her eyebrows. Skye cocked an eyebrow.

"What?" She questioned as she sniffled. May put her hands on her hips as she kept her gaze fixed on her trainee.

"You look awful." She pointed out. Skye just scoffed through her nose.

"Sugarcoat things much?" She deadpanned. May just rolled her eyes and motioned for her to come closer. Skye did as she was told and walked closer to her.

Once she was close enough May put one hand on Skye's shoulder as the other traveled up to her forehead. She used the back of her hand to feel her burning forehead.

May pulled her hand away after a moment and sighed.

"You're burning up." She muttered. Skye put her own hand up to her temple and winced as her head banged in on itself.

"I'm fine. I can still train." She protested.

"Skye, you'll probably knock yourself out." May retorted. Skye shrugged.

"Then I'll have a reason to leave, but right now I don't. So I can train. Just not as hard." Skye reasoned. May just grumbled as her eyes narrowed. She put her hands on her shoulder as she turned her around and lead her out of the training room.

"Okay, so I don't feel that great, but I can still train." Skye pouted. She really didn't want to let the older woman down.

"Go to your dorm, I'll meet you there. I'm gonna get you some Motrin, Tylenol and some water." She ordered, ignoring her recent comment.

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