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Alright- I'd like to pay tribute to all of the people who were apart of 9/11.

Yes I know it's 9/12 I got busy yesterday so might as well pay tribute today.

I wasn't alive when this happened but I've known and learned about it since Kindergarten.

Every story, every video, every memorial hurts my heart.

I just want to say thank you to all those who helped during those dreadful times.

Weather it was their job to help or not they're all hero's and will never be forgotten.

Okay, so you know OkayPhilinda One-Shot? I thought since you know why not?

This is what happened to May and Coulson in her One-Shot, but since she didn't write about what happened and how they survived, I'm just gonna add this on to hers.

Without permission of course. 🙂


May's eyes widened as she looked up at the two buildings in front of her. Her mouth barley hung open and her eyes widened with horror. A plane, was trapped in between the bricks of the first tower. Screams were heard from inside.

"Oh my god." Coulson voiced from behind her. "We've got to get in there. Now. Before that building collapses on them." His voice was urgent and stern. May stared up her eyebrows furrowed.

"Mel?" Coulson asked turning towards her. May's chest rose and fell in a quick pace. She was a new S.H.I.E.L.D. her and Coulson both hadn't seen this much terror. Not yet at least.

"Melinda!" He snapped as he forced her to face him. Her body turned but her eyes were fixed on the tower.

"Huh?" She hummed in a high tone. Coulson used the knuckle of his index finger to force her to face him.

"Melinda look at me! Please!" May's eyes traveled to look at Coulson's. "We've got to go in there you understand me? Don't freak out. We can help all of these people but we need to act fast you understand?" He called over the sirens.

May nodded quickly along with Coulson. "Okay. Let's go. We'll be okay.." He assured. May kept nodding as she forced the courage that had just been sucked out of her back in. They both turned to look at the plane.

Fire, dust and screams surrounded them. People were crying out from the towers. Begging for help. They needed to help them. Now.

"Okay.. let-" May couldn't get another word out because soon a loud hum filled the little silence that was left. May's head shot up to see another plane barreling towards the other tower.

The two agents barley had anytime to react before the plane rammed into the untouched twin.

Debris immediately began to fall as old screams screamed even louder. Flames bursted through the wings.

"Get down!!" Coulson screamed as he grabbed May. They both clung to eachother as they sank to the ground. Coulson kept his body pressed against her back to shield her. The ground shook from the impact.

Coulson looked up at the towers. His eyes were wide and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh my god.." May murmured as she looked up. Coulson slowly raised himself up along with May.

"Listen.." He began slowly as he hesitantly turned to face her. "This wasn't an accident.. so either you help me.. or run. Run as far away as you can. I'll meet you at the diner on the other side of New York if you want." He suggested. May stared at him for a moment.

Philinda One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now