Two Combined Universes Pt:1

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YA'LL OH MY GOD- I'VE BEEN Obsessed WITH THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, THE ORIGINALS, AND LEGACIES- (AhEm- I'm only on season 2. No spoilers- I'm waiting for season 3 to come on Netflix)

So boom 💥

What if Philinda Was in The Vampire Diaries Universe? (TVDU)

I see their relationship as Handon- (Hope and Landon) Landon always dies and Hope is just that antisocial depressed girl who had to save him.

Though I do feel like May would be a Hybrid or a Vampire.

Nah she gonna be something else-

And Coulson is obviously a Phoenix.

Also I apologize to those who don't know  about any of this. Just skip I guess or enjoy the life of a Werewolf (Werewolf and a Vampire) and a Phoenix.

Also it's Halloween so what the hell. Yk?


May crossed her arms as she stared off through the window of Coulson's office. Her mind raced with thoughts as she toyed with her necklace which laid perfectly around her neck. Daisy sat beside her, her hands laid behind her back as she listened to Coulson's instructions. May wasn't paying attention to anything he was saying, she was too busy spacing off.

Her mind was in its own place, unaware of the fact Coulson needed her attention.

Tonight was a special night.

A dangerous night.

Of course she would be safe of the dangers that laid inside of her, but every time she skipped the one day, she would always become paranoid and angry. Though the day would change afterwards and she'd go back to normal.

"May.?" May heard Coulson ask. Though with selective hearing she ignored it.

"May?" Coulson tried again. Though May ignored him again.

"Melinda." Coulson carefully pressed his hand against her shoulder. That's when it suddenly occurred to her that Coulson was trying to speak to her. May blinked out of her trance and looked Coulson in the eye. His eyebrows were furrowed into a stern look.

"You awake?" He asked. May's frown softened as she nodded. She fought back her reddened cheeks of embarrassment.

"Yeah sorry. I was spacing off." She explained as she lowered her hand away from her necklace. Coulson examined her for a moment. His eyes searched her in disbelief. Though he dismissed it quickly and went back to explaining. Daisy's eyes however, narrowed as she stared at her S.O..

"Anyways, as I was saying. This is a potentially hostile situation. The powers of this man varies. Which is honestly... kind of surprising." Coulson explained. "He's shown enhanced speed and strength, and from what we've seen he's almost... vampire-ish.." Coulson murmured. May's eyes sparked in curiosity and alarm. Daisy however was confused and concerned.

"An inhuman with more than one ability? That's impossible. I think.." She voiced. Coulson turned away from the window and looked back at Daisy then May. He read their urgent faces.

"We'll find out soon enough, but right now all we know is that this man feeds on the blood of humans. Almost how Lash fed on inhumans possibly." May bit her tongue as a bubble of anxiety begun to build in her chest. A vampire? It couldn't be..

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