Jelousy Jelousy.

487 12 127

Ohhh I love competitions. Especially ones involving Philinda.

And rejection

Just not Philinda rejection. Any of yuns like philinda rejections I ought to slap dumbass out of you.💕

Enough said about that though- have fun.

Sorry if I'm being blunt- I'm tired and I feel crappy after getting my second dose of the vaccine. (This was like- three days ago-)

Read Slowly for the best possible experience. That way it's not as rushed. Apologies to those who like to read fast- I would've made it so that you could but I'm lazy so-

May made her way around the corner of the base. Her arms hung low as she sulked. It's been a long day for her, with everything that happened with Andrew.

Her red puffy eyes were glued to the floor as she walked through the doorway of the lounge. Maybe she just needed some whiskey, and that's why she was going to Coulson, or she genuinely just wanted some comfort, she couldn't decide anymore. Though she didn't walk any slower than she already was.

She made her way up the stairs and rounded the corner. Her heart ached as she walked towards the closed glass door. She brought her hand up to the knob and slowly twisted it.

May sat there for a moment before taking a deep breath. She never was comfortable with talking to someone. So she forced herself to open the door her eyes never left the floor.

"Hey Phil... if you have a minute um.. could... you..." Her voice trailed off as she looked up. Her eyes automatically locked with Coulson's. A glass of whiskey was in his hands. He sat there near his desk, his hand sat atop of it. His fingers was laced with someone else's who sat near him.

Rosalind sat there. She stared at May through careful eyes as she swirled the copper liquid in her glass.

"Oh.. I didn't realize you had company." May stated as she exchanged glances with Rosalind. Coulson's eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were soft with concern. May stood there in the doorway awkwardly. She was exposed, and there was nothing she could do about it.

"You alright May?" He asked. A hint of curiosity heightened his voice, though a tinge of softness made May feel even more vulnerable. Her eyes flickered back to look at Coulson.

"Uhm.." She mumbled as she looked away. She dug her teeth into her tongue as she locked her jaw. The one time she had come to cry with someone or to talk to someone else had seen her.

Rosalind watched her eyes were narrowed in impatience. "It can wait until tomorrow. Sorry to bother you." And with that she exited the room, not bothering to close the door behind her.

Coulson stared at the empty space in the doorway where May once stood. He still wore a troubled expression. His fingers had loosened in Rosalind's grasp.

"That was.. weird.." Rosalind pointed out. Coulson didn't respond, he just stared at the door. Something was wrong, she had been crying. Though Coulson couldn't blame her with the Andrew thing.

"Can't really blame her.." He told her. His voice was thick with sympathy. Rosalind shrugged.

"I mean she lost her husband that's no"-

"Ex-Husband." Coulson corrected briefly. Rosalind closed her parted lips. Her eyes flickered up and down Coulson's body.

"Well.. still I can understand that's not an easy thing to go through.." She explained after a moment. Coulson then again didn't answer he just looked down at his drink that was getting warmer by the second.

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