The Scars On A Fallen Angel

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WARNING: This has an act of self harming in it so if you have considered suicide/self harming or have attempted it, please DO NOT read this Fan fiction for your own mental and physical safety.

I don't want you to reconsider the idea or start it up again. Thank you and if you need to talk I'm free to talk!🥰🥰

If you are sure you won't try it again and the past is behind you, feel free to read!

This is a suicide/self harming awareness fan fiction as well as a fan fiction that many people will sadly relate to.

Just know that no one is judging you and my platform is a safe environment for anyone who wants to come and talk!

This fan fiction takes place in season 1
There's no where specific but the details you need to know is it takes place after the episode 'repairs' all the way near the end of season 1.

Ward never betrayed S.H.I.E.L.D. so after they took back the Hub, Ward went with his team after killing Garret. Ward and May never had smexy time either-

Also- Audrey is irrelevant. Okay? She is not in this story and is forgotten🥰

(They'll move into the playground soon.)

May kept one hand on the stick as she raised the other up and flipped a switch overhead. She looked over the nose of the plane and out into ocean. The moon and stars illuminating the surface of it. She would've thought it was beautiful if it wasn't for the agonizing pain in her chest, coming from her heart. May was usually good at keeping her emotions in check, but with their recent encounters, and the constant reminders of Bahrain, it made her miss her cubicle. Even though May could feel the small pound in her heart of stress eating at the senior agent, she felt numb. A type of numb that made her hurt even more than she already was. May's mind filled with traumatic memories, new pains, and more sadness that just made her go even more numb, and eventually, the view of the ocean was soon forgotten.

A few hours went by in silence. The sun was slowly beginning to rise and May eyes drooped in exhaustion. She should probably go to sleep. They would be reaching Hannah's house in a couple more hours so she had time. But she knew better than anyone that no sleep would come to her. So she just settled on getting some green tea and stretching her legs. May set the plane on autopilot and hauled herself up. She slid away from her seat and slid the cockpit door open. An instant burst of light stabbed through May's eyes and into her skull. The cockpit doesn't have any lights so when it's dark out, so was the cockpit, but the plane always had the lights on. May squinted her eyes for a moment as they adjusted to the new light and walked down the long room. Which housed a couch, kitchen, and dorms. May walked through the living room area and towards the kitchen, which was on the other side of the plane. She slid passed the island's counter and went towards the corner of the kitchen. Lifting herself up onto her toes, she reached over the counter and opened a cabinet. The shelves were decorated with May's mugs and there was a tiny woven basket which held May's favorite tea bags. No one was aloud to touch them without her permission. She slowly grabbed the container and lowered it down to the counter before lifting herself back up and grabbing a black mug from the second shelf. May looked into the container to find one bag left. She would have to restock whenever they touched down, or maybe they had more in storage. May grabbed the single tea bag, with the same paralyzed face. Her energy was gone and she was mentally exhausted, May knew she didn't have the energy to make tea so she flopped the teabag back into the basket and sighed deeply. She put her hands on the tip of the counter and leaned on it as her head sulked down. She knew no one would be up to see her in such a position. She hated her feelings, she hated how she felt numb but it hurt, she hated how she cared about everyone else's well being besides her own, she hated everything about herself.

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