Our Nastolgic Love.

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No need to explain- basically what I wish would've happened during

Season 3 Episode 10 'Maveth'

ReAd sLoWlY


May quickly paced down to the cargo hold. Bobbi, Hunter, Jemma, and a few more different agents followed. Her heart skipped a few beats as she saw that the containment module was already sliding back into its normal place. She could easily see Mack and Fitz in the window, but the view of anyone else was blocked.

That's when she felt as if time was moving in slow motion. She watched carefully as Daisy and Mack slid out of the entrance of the module. A big smile plastered on their faces.

Bobbi's eyes softened as she grinned and met Mack halfway. She quickly pulled him into a long hug.

Daisy however was quick to walk over to Lincoln. Her eyes darted over towards May as she passed and gave her a small smile. May returned it and gently nudged Daisy over towards Lincoln.

Lincoln's hands instantly cupped both of Daisy's cheeks, relief filled his gaze as he gently lowered his forehead down to connect with her own. Daisy gripped his wrists and smiled as she closed her eyes.

May watched with a ghost of a grin as Daisy tilted her head up to capture his lips in her own. They were happy.

After a moment of staring, May turned away to give them their privacy. Her eyes instantly fell upon Fitz, who was holding a crying Jemma. He rubbed patterns around her back to soothe the scientist, but nothing seemed to be working.

But that was okay.

She was safe. Mack was safe. Daisy was safe. Fitz was safe.

And that's all that mattered to her.

She looked around at the clapping agents, and her friends reuniting. A sudden grin of happiness rose to her lips.

Movement near the containment module caught May's eyes. She quickly turned her head to see more clearly.

That's when her heart stopped. Her brown orbs clashed with a man's blue ones.

His jacket was dusty, and he was missing his prosthetic hand. A nasty bruise had formed near his temple.


Relief filled May's eyes as she almost instantly began walking over towards her life long friend. She pressed her lips together into a gentle grin, and her eyes softened. Coulson gave her a tired but loving smile. Her heart pumped with a new desire, a new feeling of relief washed together with love.

No words had to be said between the two. They only shared knowing looks towards eachother.

With a careful movement May wrapped her arms around the nape of Coulson's neck as Coulson slid his arms around her waist. With a hesitant but gentle motion, they both leaned closer to one another.

May tilted her head up to capture his lips in her own, causing her heart to flutter. He carefully slid his hands up Coulson slid May closer towards him, as if the closest distance wasn't close enough. He never wanted to leave her embrace. He felt safe, and loved. He felt as if nothing from the outside world mattered, just this one moment.

That's all that mattered.

After a moment, they both barley parted their lips to catch some air. May let out a quivering breath as she locked eyes with Coulson's beautiful ocean ones. Her heart couldn't help but flutter.

"Don't leave me again.." May murmured.

The two didn't say anything else, they just wrapped themselves into eachother's embrace. May hugged him tightly as she burrowed her head into his shoulder. While Coulson gently caressed her head with one hand, while the other held her firmly by the waist.

"Never Again.." Coulson whispered after a moment. All was forgotten. Ward, Hive, Will, Rosalind. All that mattered in that very moment...

Was Them.

Okay this one was very short- but I literally thought this was gonna happen. You cannot tell me that whenever May was walking up to Coulson that you didn't think they were going in for a kiss.

And if you didn't think that- your weird

Im kidding-


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