Am I Still Dreaming? {5}

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“Oh you look lovely, Ambrose!” The Queen walks in. 


“Dear, call me Jamie,” She says as if it is completely normal for a mortal servant to be on a first-name-basis with an immortal queen. 

“Jamie, I heard the ball was tonight?” I question casually, beginning to feel overwhelmed. 

“Yes and just so you know I will be ordering some clothes for you. Unlike the other maids, you will not need a uniform.” 

“That’s very kind of you.”

“Let me show you where your room is. We can get to it by passing through Niklaus’ room - I need to check on him before the ball!” 

I place my other clothes in the garment bag (still wearing the enchanting dress) and carry the bag with me, I call ‘thanks’ to Zoe over my shoulder before I try to catch up with Jamie. 

She stops in one of the last doors on the right side of the hallway, and enters without knocking, “Hello, son.” I follow her silently, and catch Niklaus staring at me. I blush and notice him wearing a button-up dress shirt and pants - getting ready for the ball. Jamie catches him staring and asks, “Isn’t her dress lovely?” 

“You look great,” He says, not focusing on me anymore. I hate that. One second he is somewhat decent, but the next he is off in his own world. Now I am stuck with him as his personal servant.

“Ambrose, if you go through the bathroom there is a door right next to the sink leads to your room. Zoe will be there soon to help you get ready,” Jamie tells me. I can sense that she has to talk to Niklaus about something important so I go through the bathroom and find the door she was talking about. 

It was a wonder to me how they thought this room was small. This room was more than ten times the size of my old room at the orphanage! Sure, it wasn’t as large as Niklaus’ room, but I actually had space to move around and I loved it! 

The walls were painted a neutral tan, and were contrasted by the electric blue bed sheets and a mix of blue, white, and green pillows. Dark wood nightstands were on either side of the bed. One nightstand had a lamp while the other had an alarm clock that read 4:45 pm. There was a wooden dresser that I was sure was empty and next to that was a desk with some stationary supplies waiting to be used. On the other side of the room was a set of glass doors covered by golden lace curtains that concealed a balcony. I pull back the curtains and open the glass doors to take in a breath of fresh air. I could stand here for hours just breathing the air! At the orphanage, it always reeks of fumes from downtown and cars. Smoke and garbage were always pungent scents that I inhaled every day for the past twelve years. 

I wanted to laugh thinking that I grew up here. That before twelve years ago, I was here breathing the fresh air, being a spoiled princess who could have anything I ever desired. 

“Reminiscing?” I hear Zoe’s chime from the entrance of my new room. 

“I thought you couldn’t read minds,” I ask jokingly. 

“Oh I can’t, but I am a psychic!” She replies completely serious. 


“I can see auras and sometimes have premonitions.” 

“I thought it was once you became an immortal that you were able to-”

“I was born with my premonitions and they will probably get stronger. Plus, I’m sixteen, I only have a little while before I become an immortal.” 

“Really?” I am completely shocked. For sixteen she looks so young, at first sight I mistaken her to be only ten years old. 

“I know, I get it a lot,” She rolls her eyes. “I think it’s might height that makes me seem younger. I mean I am barely 4’9” (1.45 meters)! Now let’s get to making you look stunning!” 

“Shouldn’t you be getting ready?” I ask nervously looking at the bag she has placed on my bed as she pulls out an unfamiliar object. 

“You’re nervous. Don’t you know what this is?” She grins, reading my confused aura, and holds up the odd tool that look like a wand. 

“Not really,” I feel my face getting heated, and I feel like I should know these things since I am a girl. 

“It’s called a curling iron or a curling wand, it curls your hair. There is also a flat iron or a straightening iron to straighten your hair, but I think your hair would look cuter curled!” 

“Okay,” I say awkwardly, knowing that she knows more about this than I do.

She orders me to sit down in the chair in front of her after plugging the curling wand into the wall outlet and letting it heat up. As she begins to curl my hair she says, “I don’t want to go to the ball tonight.”

“Why not?” 

She sighs, “It’s more of a ball for older people, and no one my age will be there.” 

“Will you be alright being alone?” 

Zoe snorts, “Don’t try to get out of going. I’ll be perfectly fine.” 

It takes her less than five minutes to curl the rest of my hair before she sprays it with this stuff that makes my hair stiff and pointy; she calls it hairspray. Then, she pulls out a small bag from her big pink tote and takes a small palette with four colors on it. She uses a brush to places the colors on my eyelids and I fear that I’ll look like a clown when she is done. The colors are so vibrant! After putting the palette away, she takes out three tubes and I only recognize two of them. The first one is unfamiliar, but she calls it eyeliner. She uses mascara, next, to put on my lashes and cherry flavored lipgloss - I recognize these two because I had seen some of the workers apply these at the orphanage. 

She gives me the makeup bag and looks at me with a huge smile. I fear what I look like. Is she smiling because I look funny? Just as I begin to have a panic attack she pulls a mirror out of her bag and I see the beauty she managed to make out of my plain face. 

My blue eyes are more vibrant with the sparkling shadows that complement my eye color. The eyeliner and mascara make my lashes look thick and long, almost mysterious. Finally, my lips look as red as a rose, and they smell like cherries! 

I give Zoe a bear hug, being stunned by my own appearance, “Thank you so much!” 

“Now we have to show you off to your escort,” She grins straightening out my jade colored dress. 

I feel my palms begin to sweat as I worry what Niklaus will think, but then I remind myself that it doesn’t matter. He is a jerk, so no matter what he says it will be irrelevant, and I can’t let it affect me. 

Am I Still Dreaming? ~ Kingdom of the ImmortalsWhere stories live. Discover now