Chapter 11

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°°° Audrey's POV °°°
I woke up in a deep dark cavern. There was no sound, I couldn't see a thing. I could feel the presence of someone, or something. I had the feeling of falling, but I was sitting curled up in a ball on a wall. Then I heard something.
It was the sound of water, or maybe blood. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I could see a large figure across from me. I could make out a head, a large chest, and an arm. I checked my pockets for my phone. Nope. I looked down at the floor and saw something that was shaped as a flashlight. I picked it up and carefully turned it on. I shined it on the figure.....
It was shaped in the figure of Will, but it wasn't him. He wasn't living. He had no face, he was missing an arm and a leg.
I tried to stand up, but I was chained to the ground. I tried to open my mouth, but it was covered in tape. So basically I was just a useless human being, if I was even human. Sense my arms were untied, I tried undoing the chains from my feet. Somehow I managed to get them off. I also ripped the tape from my mouth.
I stood up and walked over to the dead man across from me. I looked at what was left of his face and there was only a bit of an eye. Nothing else. So I knew he was dead. I looked around and saw two different paths. One to the right, the other to the left. They all led into the distance to where I couldn't see anything. Then I heard a deep voice.
" You are no longer living, you are at the point between living and dying. Now, you have three wishes, they will all come true. Just tell me them, and I can make them all come true darling. Every single one."
The voice sounded evil, and it didn't sound real. It was sort of like Will's voice, except deeper and mor evil.
"I hope you know you have a time limit on this young lady."
I looked down and saw I was standing on train tracks.
"The train will be coming in 2 minutes sweetheart. Now, make your three wishes."
"Uhh ," I began to say. "I-I wish for Will, that he won't forget me when I'm dead."
"Wow that's it? That's your wish? That's a pretty crappy wish my dear."
"Yes," I said irratated. "Now my second wish is that I can live the rest of my days in peace, with no problems or arguments, just peace."
"Okay wish number three?"
"I wish for .."
The ground started to shake. A loud rumble shook the walls. Two lights began to be seen from down the tunnel.
"You see darling you don't have much time. Hurry and grant your wish and you won't be hurt."
"I wish that for after I die from my cancer, that Will can live a happy life and never forget our adventures together. And that I will be able to watch over him, and make sure he is making the right choices."
"Alright now you will be awoken."
Awoken? What does he mean?
"I'm already awake, sir."
"No honey this is a dream. Don't worry, your wishes will still be granted. Go back and live with Will for the rest of your days. He loves you."

Then I was awoken.

Sorry for not updating I'm just stressed out and don't know what to write.

So this story thing is gonna he somewhere around 20 chapters I hope if I can write that much.

Well thank you for reading and voting I love you guys ♡

Someone's pounding the sidewalk outside my house. Wut.


Ok bye

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