Chapter 15

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Audrey's POV

I made Will drive me home. He kept on asking me questions about why I looked so scared, and why I was in urgent need to get home. I didn't answer him, I was lost in my own thoughts.
The thought that hurt me the most, was what ever happened to my father? I havent seen or heard from him after my mother divorced him, and I don't know if he got remarried to another woman and abused another child, or if he went to travel, like he always wanted to do, or if he did something completely different.
Honestly, my father was a pretty good guy, except for the fact that he was abusive. Before he got into a habit of drinking, he would tell me stories of what his life was like when he was younger, and he would always talk about wanting to travel with my mother around the world, and how it was a privilege to be marrked to her.
I miss when he was happy, I miss when we were all happy, but obviously somebody thought that had to change.
When Will got to my house, he had to snap me out of my own thoughts to get my attention.
I quickly got out of the car and ran up to my door. I got in and yelled at Will to go home, even though I knew that he was going to stay in front of my house and wait for me to come out again.
So I went inside and locked the door.
I went into my room and got my laptop. I went on the Internet and searched up my father's name. Suprisingly, he had a few websites made for him. So I clicked on one.
I read so many things about him. He was still addicted to drinking and other things, but the thing that suprised me was he had a wife and 5 kids....
So aparrently I have 5 step brothers and sisters, great.
I don't know why I was so anxious to know about my father. I hated him.
So I got off of that website, and clicked on another one. It had his criminal records.
What it said had shocked me.
It said that he has committed 6 murders and had kidnapped 3 teenage girls, and had raped them, all in the same year. And somehow he still kept getting bailed out of jail.
My father is a murderer.
I shut my laptop off started to cry.

Will's POV

Audrey has been acting weird sense Jordan basically broke into her house. I'm worried about her.
I fell asleep in my car waiting for her to come back outside.
I woke up to the sound of somebody banging on my window. I started the car up and rolled the window down.
It was the police. Great.
"Hello officer, how are you doing?"
"Don't try and start a friendly conversation with me young man. Get out of the car."
I am so confused as to what is happening. So I just went along with it and got out. The officer pushed me against the car and made sure I had no weapons, I mean, why would I have weapons, like seriously.
Then he put handcuffs on me and took my phone out of my back pocket.
"Sir, may I please ask what you're doing to me?" I asked.
"Shut up and get in the car," he said.
At first, I didn't do what he said. Then I was being pushed by him.
After he had shoved me into his car, I realized it was a big van, not a cop car.
The man took off his hat and said to me, "You won't see her again you know."
"Nope were leaving."
And he drove off.

I haven't updated sense February 28th or something crazy like that
wth I've had so much time
I have no clue if this is good or long enough but whatever
I hope you enjoyed that chapter
I'm gonna start a new story after I finish this story I think
And that book called I liek dis, is really dumb and I have no clue why I decided to write that so I apologize for that
Alright well I'm gonna go and thank you to those of you who have been reading this sense the first update I really appreciate you
And just all of you in general tbh <3
Besides lid she's a jerk
I love you guys a lot


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