Chapter 2

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•••••Will's POV•••••
I still can't believe I got accepted to my dream school! Wait, I never told Jamie that I got accepted. I wonder how she'll take it. Probably terrible, because we've been dating for a year, ugh how am I going to tell her?

I decided to text her. (W-Will J-Jamie)

W-  Hey, are you free this afternoon?

She texted back almost immediately.

J- Yeah, why?

W- I just have some news to tell you, that's all. Can you meet me in the park at 4?

J- Sure! I can't wait.

This is going to be harder than I thought. I really love Jamie, and I don't want to let her go, but you know what they say, if you love somebody, let them go. And if they come back they were always yours, if they dont, they never were.

Just thinking of how I'm going to tell her is making me tear up. I'm not just going to go up to her and say ,"Hey love, I'm moving out of the country to the US for college and you can't come with me. Sorry were breaking up." That's way too straight forward and rude. I'll make somethinf up when I get there.

-Time skip to when they meet-

"Hey Will!" I heard Jamie yell. I looked up and saw her running towards me and she jumped into my arms. I love when she does this.

"Hey Jamie!" I said to her.

"So what was it that you wanted to tell me?" She asked. "Wel-" I looked over and saw a little kid laughing and playing with his trucks. I started to zone out and forget what I was doing until Jamie got my attention.

"Will? Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah sorry I got distracted." She looked over at the kid and started to laugh. Man I'm going to miss that.

"Alright. I know what I'm about to tell you is going to be hard. I don't want to say it. But I have to. Jamie you know I love you, right?" "Yes Will and I love you so much" "Well, I got accepted into my dream college and-" She cut me off. "Will that's great! Wait isn't that college in New York?" "Umm yeah, it is. So I have to move there. I can't live in the UK anymore. And I'm gonna have to leave you. I love you so much Jamie and I really don't want to leave you but I have to. I promise that I will try and keep in touch with you and call you everyday. I love you Jamie and don't forget that."
Did those words just come out of my mouth? I could feel my eyes starting to tear up. I looked at Jamie, and saw that she was about ready to cry as well. I feel terrible. I don't want to leave her, but then again I want to go to that college. I hear Jamie start to talk, but she cant. I just grab her and hold her in my arms, the both of us crying. I never thought I would have to do this. But I did.

"Will," She started to say. "I'm really happy that you got into this school. I'm gonna miss you and I love you so much I'll talk to you everyday. And can you promise me something?" She said while crying. "Yeah, what is it?" "Can you come back?" "Yes love I promise I'll come back. I love you so much." I said to her quietly. "I love you too Will."

She pulled away from the hug and then gave me one last kiss. It was the most passionate kiss she's ever given me, and it would probably be our last. I'm going to miss her so much.

°°°°°Audrey's POV°°°°°

I was getting out of the car and getting my bags out of the trunk and my mom said to me, "Audrey, you'll always be my little girl. And my only girl. I can't believe you're leaving, you're all I have left. After dad died, you and me have been really close and I'm going to miss you so much. I love you Audrey and don't forget that." I ran to my mom and gave her one last hug and said,"It's okay mom, I love you so much and I'm going to miss you. I'll call you when I get there and I'll keep in touch okay?" "Okay I love you!" She said. "I love you too mom." I said very quietly. I grabbed my bags, waved goodbye to my mom, and walked into the airport.

I got my ticket and waited for my plane to be called. While I was waiting, I noticed somebody sit next to me. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and it was a young girl about my age who was wearing clothes that didn't fit her too well. They were tight and short. I sniffed and J could instantly smell her perfume. It was really strong and after a while it started to give me a headache. (My dad said I wore too much perfume, well if he ever saw this chuck wooh!)

They finally called my flight and I got up and quickly walked to the gate so I could get away from that lady. I sat down in my seat and the plane was about to take off. I got out my gum and started chewing it. There was nobody besides me so I got a window seat and 2 other seats for my legs. I plugged in my headphones and I started to realax.


Hey guys! I hope that you're enjoying this story, I know this chapter is long and boring  but whatever. (woah its just like school >.< )

So the best thing happened to me on Twitter. WILL AND PARKER NOTICED ME. I fangirled so hard and I couldn't breath lol I was so happy.

I hope you guys had a good Christmas and I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Bye guys!

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Twitter @HannahK121101

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