
452 6 4

TW (drugs, overdose, suicide)

"it's been two years" billie says
"two Fucking years without you Baby, thats a long time. Im surprised i made it through these years, I wish i could've hugged you one more time. I thought we're going through this together, you always had my back" she started sobbing

"I would have made the withdrawal with you, we could have done it together" she lets herself Fall on her knees

"why did you do that?" she wisperes like then grave of her wife could hear her

"why did you leave me on this horrible earth, you knew i need you, you still know. You know i will never get over this"


"baby, im back" I yell upstairs
No answer
Normally i dont leave her alone, she's addicted to Hard drugs, but i thought i can leave her alone for 5 minutes to let shark in the backyard

And Normally she runs down These stairs, almost fallin and hugs me until i cant breathe anymore. Even when she's high

"Baby?" I walk upstairs
Im scared, what if she did some shit. I know where to go first. Our bathroom

I open the door slowly ready to See her with a bottle of pills or a glass pipe again. But i wasnt ready for that

What i got to See was my wife laying on the floor, eyes closed, next to a bottle of pills and a pipe in her arm

"no no no, Baby no dont do this" I say tearing up
I walk towards and lift up her limp body and lay her head into my lap

"no" I wisper
She's not breathing, she's cold, she's dead
"NO! WHY? WHY Y/N WHY? HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME!" I scream almost feeling pain in my throat

-flashback over-

"I miss you, a lot" billie wispers. holding tight onto the Rose she brought for her wifes grave

She hold it so tight The thorns sting into billie's hand, blood leaves her palm

She cries letting the tears fall onto the roses beautiful bright Red colored head


Finneas holds me tight as they let y/n's coffin down into the whole in the dirt

I will never see her beautiful face again, I will never be able to kiss her soft lips again, I will never be able to love anyone like i loved her

I will never hold her Hands again, I will never get to look in her pretty face when I wake up, I will never hear her voice again saying 'i love you billie'

I will always be responsible for her death

-flashback over-

Billie gets up from her knees and places the rose on the grave, she goes to the tombstone

She lets her fingers graze over the engraved lettering

Y/n O'connel
*Y/b/d +6.12.2019

"Keep a place in heaven for me" she says letting the last tear role down her cheek

Then she leaves, thinking about many things she could do, her wife also did. Not knowing if she's going to come back alive

Damn bro. Who cried?
Part 2?

*billie eilish imagines*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt