
481 13 15

TW: blade, selfharm

Billie's pov

I come home after a exhausting say at the Studio, to See a mess of ordered clothes

I know y/n ordered some clothers, but thats a lot

Suddenly i hear silent cryings out of the bathroom. I quickly run to it and try to open the door

The crys shut up as she hears me

"y/n Baby?" I wisper
"mhm" I hear quietly
"let me inside" I say as i realize it's locked

"no" she sibs
"why Baby?"
"because j dont want to"
"please Angel"

The door unlocks and a crying, bloody y/n steps out

I imedialy know she did it again

Her thighs and arms where full with old cuts, new cuts and scars

"Baby" I say and pull her into a hug
"Im Sorry billie"
"dont be sorry Baby, it's okay"

"no it's not" she sobs in my arms
"why did you do it?" I ask
"I ordered clothes and tried on Bikinis, a-and then i saw my scars and i looked so ugly and th-then i did it again-n"

"oh baby, but you're beautiful"
"no, im not"
"you're the most beautiful women i ever met in my life Baby"

She blushes lightly and burries her head in the crook of my neck

"c'mon less clean your cuts baby" I say and carefully pick her up of the floor
I carry her bridal style to the bathroom

I sit her down on the sink area and grab some napkins and wound sanitizer. Without alcohol ofc because otherwise it would burn like hell

Then i put some sanitizer on a napkin and start with her thighs
"you're going to be okay baby" I say as i whipe the fresh blood away

"Yeah" she answeres
I finish her left thigh and went to the right one. There are some cut wich are very deep, I dont wanna scare her but that probably has to be sewed

But lets just wait a few days. I clean up her thighs and make a bandage around it. Then i continue with her arms

I clean them and and before i kissed her fresh cuts, she looks at me and smiles softly

I bandage her arms and she hops off the sink, I walk out and hear some whines

"what wrong baby?" I ask worried
She looks at me and whines
"carry meeeeeee" she whines and Makes puppy eyes

I giggle
"ofc Baby"
"yaaaaaayyyyyy" she cheers
I pick her up and she wrappes her legs around my waist

"my cute little Baby" I say and caress her head
She smiles cutely and lays her head back on my shoulder

"I love you angel" I wisper and kiss her head
"I love you too baby"

*billie eilish imagines*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt