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TW suicide

Today when Im walking trough the Hall in school i See the school bully again. Denise. Like every day she's bullying people, today she decides to beat billie up.

I barely know billie, but that what i know from her tells me i like her. Denise doesnt want to fuck with me she's kinda scared of me.
Idk why but sometimes thats good, like today. She proudly beats billie up. It feels wrong to just watch, so I decide to do something

"ey, bitch get the fuck off of her" I yelled walking towards billie.
"y/n? Why are you interfering now? You dont even know that whore"
"I know her better than you and now fuck off or you will be the next one who gets beaten up"
She just runs away looking mad at me

I help billie up
"you good?" I ask
"Yeah" she says and runs away and locks herself in a toilet stall
I just run After her
No answer
"hey it's just me, please let me in"

She opens the door and Look at me with tears streaming down her face. I hug her tightly
"thanks" she says
"no Problem"
"why did you do this?"
"idk something inside of my head told me i have to"

The Bell rings
"hey we can meet today so we can Talk" I say
"Yeah can I have your Phone number"
"ofc yes"
I give her my Phone number and go to class. Im really sorry for her she's so Kind but she doesnt have any friends, thats sad.

*timeskip, After school*

I drive home and my Phone dings, it's billie

Hey, uhm, today 2 pm, maybe at my house

Yeah, that sounds good

She texts me the adress, im very excited maybe im going to be her First Real friend. But she also asks me for my full Name, weird why she wants to know that but i Tell her. Before i drive to her house i watch a lil bit Netflix, I Set an alarm to not miss the time

*timeskip again*

I wake up to my alarm, I must have fallen asleep, fuck it's already 2:10. I grab my car Keys and quickly drive to billie's

I pull up to her driveway and walk to her door. I knock
No response
"BILLIEEE?" I yell
I open the door it isnt locked, I walk in slowly, I stop i front of a table. Theres a Letter with my Name on it

Dear y/n,
If you read this Letter now, it's maybe already too late, i personally hope it.
Maybe you can guess what this is and if not you will find out. I hope you're doing well, I just wanna say thank you for that in school today. I dont know why but you mean a lot to me for doing this and for caring about me. And you are the only Person i need to say good bye. So good bye we See us later in heaven maybe, I will miss you and i will love you and i dont want you to cry about me. It's my time now to go now.
I love you


Ps: I love water

Thats the sadest Thing i ever readed in my life
I love water
Fuck no she cant do this to me

I notice a tear rolling down my face
I search for the bathroom in her house and i fear the worst
'no, billie please you cant do this now' i say to myself
I found it

And there she was. Her whole body under water in the bathtub. I dont know how long she already have been there. I pull her out, her beautifull eyes close, not breathing, ice cold. I cry even more, even when I barely know her, it's Hard

"no, billie, please please dont be dead, you cant, god please let her be alive, i- i love you billie" I cry while Holding her cold body thight in my arms
"no, NO!" I scream
I wipe her hair out of her face and kiss her fore head

I pull out my Phone and call 911

"911, what's your Emergency"
"I-im Here at my friends house and i think she, she killed herself"
"can you Tell me an Adress"
"yes it's..."

"uhm, okay, is she breathing"
"can you feel a pulse?"

"okay, ma'am what's your Name"
"Uhm, y/n"
"okay y/n, how did she do it?"
"I th-think, uhm she filled a bathtub full with water and just stayed i-in th-there until, Sh-she.."
My voice Breaks i cant finish the sentence

"hey, okay, The ambulance and the police are already on the way"
"we dont need the ambulante anymore, it's already too late"
"no y/n dont say anything like that it's never too late"

"BUT NOW!" I yell
"sorry I didn't ment to-" I add
"it's okay, I know how it feels i also lost a friend to suicide"

"Yeah, we also wanted to meet but as i arrived at his house her was on his balcony, He lived in the 12th floor, Yeah and then He jumped"
"Im sorry"
"that was 3 years ago"


I drive home tears streaming down my face, the police Officer told that i should come at 7 pm to Look for any Testaments. They asked me questions like if i have contact to her family, but no i dont so i must care about all this now

I pull up to my driveway, and run into my little house. Crying i let me Fall into my bed
'what should i Do with All her stuff, I cant do this alone, maybe i should ask my friends they can help me there'

I cry myself to sleep until it's nearly 7 pm, I wake up and make myself some food and drive to billie's again. The Officer is already there and He found a Testament

"miss, she clearly wants you to inherit all her remaining
Is that okay with you?"
"what? Yes, yes it is" I say
Thats why she wanted my full Name, wow and i didnt noticed anything

After and After, me and my 3 friends cleared her whole house, now im sitting there with a lot of stuff, a lot of money and a big house.

Everything from billie, the person i barely had known left me with all this. I keep all of her clothes hopefully the smelling wont go away too fast.

I think about her every day and sometimes i think i really loved her, but not like love, like i had Feelings for her.

God damn, I really tried not to cry, Im just too sensetive for that 🥲

*billie eilish imagines*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt