Moving in

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"So we can all, actually move in? With however we want as roommates? That's awesome! OMG I can't wait. Should I bring furniture. OMG no, we should all go shopping together and buy paints and stuff YAY this is gonna be so fun. Like a sorority but with boys and girls!" The shrill voices spoke through the phone to Sam who was just working out the details "okay when you guys come over you can pick your rooms.

Matt, Fiona, Kayla, Naomi, and Bianca, all drove over to Sam and Andy's house. Matt and Fiona were practly living together already but they didn't want to find another place. Then Naomi, Bianca and Kayla would move in together in the basement. They were particularly excited about decking out their room. Along with their bathroom.

"Since we're moving in around here who wants to go for a walk around the neighbourhood?" They went for walks and runs a lot with each other, so they all went for a walk. "This will be perfect for runs in the morning" two people groaned. "Oh and they have a great field we can practice footy on" Sam said turning a corner, and leading the way to the field. "Great then you can teach me, but I still think Im not athletic enough" Andy said, he also thought footy players were really fit. "Sure" Sam said with a smile then Andy pulled her in for a kiss by her waist. Back at home, everyone's new home, they decided on they're rooms then people went to get their stuff. "Meet back here in 2 hours with whatever you want, clothes and other stuff. Then we can all go out and buy paints to decorate the rooms." Everyone agreed with the plan.

Everyone brought over they're stuff, put them in their new rooms and started unpacking. No one really needed help so Sam and Andy went to their room. "I feel like I don't know enough people around here. Thanks for getting your friends to move in. I actually talked with other guys that aren't fans or anything." Andy kissed Sam cheek, making her blush a soft pink. "It's good your making friends. wow, Sounds like I'm your mom or something and your in kindergarten." Sam smiled up at him. "I'm having my first show here really soon, next week actually" Andy whispered. "OMG I can't wait!"

"There's more, funny story really.." Andy spoke to Sam eagerly, hoping she would enjoy his story, and say yes.

"So, you see one of the band members broke his arm... because he was trying to water ski, and he just did something.. And like broke his arm.. but we have our concert next week... It was CC but now he can't play, we were just gonna hire a other drummer or something but then I said wait I know someone that lives around here she can play drums like really well she's been playing for 8 years and she knows most of our songs.. They said ok, bring her in. So, Sam," he got down on one knee, " will you be the drummer for bvb, or, back up drummer?" Sam loving bvb, and wanting to be a drummer, in a band, at least once immediately said yes and hugged & kissed Andy in response he picked her up and kissed her back. One of the girls were walkin by and saw Andy on his knee and them so joyful she thought they'd just gotten engaged. "OMG. I have to practice I have to learn the songs and omgomgomhomgomhd ahhhhhh ill mess up. Ill miss a beat or something." Sams mind wandered. "No. I've seen you play you'll be great we probably will want you to play again with us. and you know all the songs, Besides it's a small concert next week, we have a bigger one in a month, if you want that is." "OMGOMGOMG" they kissed again, "ok, so do you want to meet the band? CC can still help you with drumming, not like you need it, and the band will love you. Okay, ill let you get ready.. don't go screaming through the house though. please. Bye" Andy winked and left Sam in their room. Then she ran around the house screaming. Then the girls went and helped her get ready. She still ran around the house screaming after she was ready. it was pretty hilarious for everyone else. Then she and andy drove to wear the band would meet she started freaking out again. Then she met the band for the second time in her life. The first time she fainted and Andy fell in deep, deep love with her.

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