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A toxic relationship? Read it again... Its toxic. There's nothing good about it. But there are a few things we need to look at before we get into a whole new dimension of reading books that go on the similar lines.
A person broken is made not natural. What I'm trying to say is that no person is at fault for turning mentally unstable because they are made to be so. This is what is called in psychological terms, the prey becomes the predator. Which is when someone goes through hell and back and surely that person is meant to be dangerous and he would respond in a likely manner because he has suffered from heartbreak and trauma that he would not understand what love is. Although I used "he" as a pronoun it applies to women as well.
So, now let's get to the original topic of toxic relationships being portrayed within books and how it affects. Look some of us live in cloud 9 no offense to anyone who lives in a bubble but this mindset would stop us from seeing people that are wounded, broken beyond repair and a book is a means to an alternate reality where such instances will be highly possible and its awareness in sorts.
But looking deeper we feel that some of us may react differently, yes it's partially true and I understand your disdain towards this type of books. But look in carefully and you see that some of these toxic relationships are meant to be. Love is stronger than what we ever imagine so we need to give our hearts a chance. To love and to feel the person who is deranged due to his mental instability.
Basically what starts off as a toxic relationship grows to be more human when one assumes command over the other helping him through love and acceptance.
This is what we call the process of healing although it may sound a bit devastating as there may be harm and dominance within the bond if a partner is willing to go through it to help the other as I suggest it is a valuable thought. It can take years but it doesn't hurt to try if the love is strong and unbreakable and if both are set on loving the other along with their mistakes.
Another aspect is that sometimes these books indulge in this sensitive psychological instability in a manner too harsh and unacceptable for both parties although in reality cases similar to this will be seen its best noted that it should be handled differently so as a student in psychology I suggest if one tends to write along these lines that one should research well on this particular area just because the reader can be triggered and get panic attacks and so on. It's best to be on the safe side of writing altogether.
Another seemingly terrible aspect I have seen is that people who read have gotten so numb that when toxic relationships occur they are bound to type comments such as, "oh my god this is so cute" or even, " I know this abuse but I can't help to fall in love with this boy" these type of comments are alarming and I suggest the writer to clearly state that this is wrong and that ti's needs help and this acts should not be indulged so that people tend to understand the sensitive writing they are subjected to.
On an end note, I would like to say that if you are in a relationship and it's seemingly toxic and unhealthy you need to communicate and help them to change and adapt to their different environment which consists of love. Also, do not just end it because he seems off and he seems deranged because he has a past himself and is on the road to overcome. Help him and get help for both yourselves.
That is the better option saying that I would also like to say some are hard to bring back and too damaged if this is the case you should and need to leave and you need to stand strong for yourself without letting him overcome you and have the upper hand in the relationship because a relationship is equal and it needs to stay so. But then again love prevails so it's in your hands.