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Reusable or plastics. It's a topic that has been debated in society for a long time. Is it better to have products that will last for a long period of time, or to have environmentally-friendly products? What's better? Practicality or morality? There are many pros and cons to each side, which I will begin to explore further.
There are many advantages to using plastics, rather than reusables. One main point is convenience. Plastics are very beneficial, as you are able to easily get them, from most places. It is very easy to quickly grab a plastic container to store things, for example. In addition, plastic is, and can be, used for many things. Bottles, containers, lids...you name it. Plastic is one of the few substances on earth that can be used for a large variety of things, for convenience.
Also, although plastic is very hard to manufacture, it is also reusable and lasts way longer than reusables. Even though reusables may be better for the environment, they do not last as long, and therefore make it more expensive in the long-term, as you would have to manufacture way more of them. Plastic, on the other hand, is harder to make, but it lasts longer and can be reused multiple times. Water bottles, for example, can be used again and again, as can plastic containers. Reusables also have another issue, especially containers. The problem is that they have to be cleaned, and this takes time and effort. Plastics, however, are easy to get, and you do not have to clean them.
However, many argue that a future down this path is not the way to go. Plastic is problematic and causes many issues. One of the most prominent points from eco-friendly believers is that plastic is killing the environment. Plastic, and litter in general, are blowing into the environment, causing a chain of detrimental reactions. Microplastics, in particular, are causing damaging effects on our underwater environment. Animals, such as turtles, eat the microplastics, thinking that they are jellyfish, and then...well, I'm sure you can guess what happens to them.
Also, reusables decompose quicker. If plastic was left lying on the ground, it would take over 1000 years for it to deteriorate! Even then, it wouldn't be fully gone. However, reusables, when left, over time, will become part of the soil, and help the environment. This is in stark contrast to plastics. In addition, reusables are more likely to be disposed of in a more responsible manner. When people use plastics, they are likely to more often than not, just leave them lying on the ground. However, with reusables, people will take the effort to pack them, and take them with them.
Overall, plastics and reusables both have their advantages and disadvantages, with plastic being more convenient, lasting longer, and easier to obtain, but reusables being better for the environment, decomposing quicker, and they are more likely to be disposed of responsibly and sensibly.