Chapter 2 ~ That stupid letter

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"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Hermione exploded. "We were just having a bit of fun! We didn't know you would get so upset by it." Hermione glared at the twins "Upset? You think I'm UPSET?" She Roared. "We did kinda get the impression that you were" Remarked George. "I'M MORE THAN UPSET! I'M FURIOUS! WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU THINKING SENDING A LOVE NOTE TO DRACO MALFOY PRETENDING TO BE ME?!" She screamed. "It was just a joke, it was meant to be funny." Said Fred. "Oh yes, you're right I'm sorry Fred, this is totally hilarious!" Hermione practically shrieked. "See, we knew you would see the funny side of it eventually!" The twins said together. Hermione glared at them. "People are going to start thinking we're dating!"  "No they're not, pretty much everyone knows it was a joke!" The twins reassured her. "What about Malfoy? Does he know it's a joke? OH MY GOD! WHAT IF HE ACTUALLY THINKS IT'S FROM ME?" Hermione was starting to go into full hysterics. Fred and George looked at her like she was crazy "So what? He wouldn't care, the worst he would do is show everyone. Besides, if he did that we would just say it was from us. He doesn't even like you Hermione! Remember what he called you?"

Hermione stopped for a moment. Why was she panicking so much? She didn't care if he thought it was from her, he would just look stupid. "He called me a mudblood" she whispered. "Exactly. No one will believe it was you who sent that love note. Not after what he called you." George said softly. "Come on, lets go get some breakfast." He said as both the twins stood up. "Yeah, we can see if lover boy is there!" Cheered Fred. Hermione glared at him. "Too soon?"

Hermione and the twins entered the great hall and sat down for breakfast. She looked over to the slytherin table and was surprised to see Malfoy wasn't there. 'Probably showing everyone that letter' she thought to herself. "Hermione, what lesson have we got next?" Hermione jerked as she saw her two best friends sitting opposite her. "You alright there?" Asked Ron. "Um, yes thanks. Sorry, what did you say Harry?" She stuttered. "I asked you what lesson we have next" Harry eyed her suspiciously "You sure you are alright?" "Never better" She replied with a smile. Hermione reached into her bag and pulled out her timetable. "Ugh, potions" All three of them sighed. Potions was the worst lesson, Snape was a complete nightmare. However today was going to be especially bad, she had to sit near Malfoy."Did I hear you say you have potions next?" George chimed. "One word, one single word and I will stupefy you!" George put his hands up as if to say I surrender.

As the trio walked out of the great hall Hermione remembered she had to collect her potions book from her dormitory; she told Harry and Ron she would meet them in the dungeons and then ran in the direction of the common room. She ran down the corridor, she knew if she was late it could only mean bad things for her and the gryffindor house. Suddenly, a hand shot out, grabbed her and pulled her into an empty classroom.

Hermione almost fell with the jolt, once she had recovered herself she looked up to see who had grabbed her. She found herself face to face with Draco Malfoy himself. "Draco, what on earth are you-" "You think you're funny do you?" Draco interrupted. "Getting those stupid weasley twins to send me a love note. You must have had a right laugh with that! Well, here is what I think of you, your friends and this stupid letter!" He pulled a piece of parchment out of his robes and ripped it up, and with that he stormed out of the empty classroom. Hermione watched as the pieces of torn parchment fell to the ground, and she too fell with them. Once again crying because of the same boy.


"Miss. Granger, you're late. 15 points from Gryffindor and detention with me after school." Hermione sighed as she sat down at her desk. She had popped into the bathroom on the way to the dungeons to make sure it didn't look like she had been crying. "Hermione, are you okay?" Asked her fellow Gryffindor and room mate, Parvati Patil. "Yes, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" Hermione tried a smile but it wavered. "You've never been late to a class before" Parvati persisted. "Yes well, I've had personal things to deal with" Hermione said quickly, trying to shake her off. "Oh dear, it must be really bad if you had to miss class for it" Parvati said with a slight sarcastic tone. "Yes actually it is!" Snapped Hermione. "Woah, well sorry Miss. Stroppy knickers!" Hermione glared at her.

"Are you two girls quite done with your conversation? Because I'm sorry if my class is getting in the way of your little chit-chat" Snape drooled. "No, sir. We're quite finished with THAT conversation." The rest of the potions lesson didn't go too badly, except Draco didn't look at her and whenever he did he looked like he wanted to murder Hermione. 'What happened to the Draco that came and apoligised to me?' She thought to herself.


Okay guys, I know this one isn't brilliant but I felt the need to write a little bit more. It's not super long so sorry about that! Could you guys vote or leave a comment if you like this? I want to know what you all think if I want it to be better! Thanks my little munchkins :)

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