Chater 10 ~ A resolution?

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Hermione walked into the common room in a daze, she was humming to herself and thinking about the most wonderful time she had had. She wasn't paying any attention to where she was going and bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going". Harry spat at her.

"Sorry" Hermione whispered, her good mood slowly sinking away. Harry started to walk away.

"Harry!" Hermione called out.

The boy turned around to see Hermione almost in tears.

"Why can't you just be happy for me?" Hermione croaked.

"You're choosing him over me and all of your friends?"

"No! You will always be my friend" She pleaded

"You have to make a choice, me or him" Harry looked deadly serious, Hermione had rarely seen him like this.

"Don't make me choose, Harry. Please don't make me choose" Her voice was just above a whisper. Harry just looked at her, his eyes blank.

"You just did"

Harry walked away from her. Hermione refused to let herself cry, she had cried too many times because of Harry. She tried to convince herself there was no point in crying because it wouldn't do anything, but it didn't help, the tears still fell as she stood in the common room. Hermione felt a hand on her shoulder and turned towards Ginny.

"Come on" Ginny whispered and Hermione fell into her friends arms.


Ginny looked at her best friend, asleep on the sofa, she put a blanket over her and walked over to the portrait. Ginny was just about to leave the common room when the portrait opened revealing a tight-jawed Harry. 

"Hey, I thought you'd be asleep" Harry paused "Were you about to go out?"

"No, I was going to look for you"

Harry ran a hand through his untidy hair "I've had a rough day, Hermione's been driving me crazy"

They walked over to the sofa where Hermione was sleeping, Harry looked at the girl.

"Why can't she see what a terrible mistake she is making? Draco is just using her!"

"Okay, that's it! Harry Potter you listen to me, Hermione can date who she wants, when she wants. She doesn't need your permission! You don't know what Draco is thinking and I actually think he likes her. Believe it or not Hermione is a girl! And she is a very pretty girl who lots of boys would be lucky to date! So grow some balls and apologise to her!" Ginny's hands were tucked into balls and she was standing on her tiptoes in frustration.


"No buts Potter! I'm fed up of this girl crying herself to sleep every night. It's almost Christmas and I want you two to be happy again by the 25th, so buckle up and apologise"

Ginny stormed out of the room and ran up to the dormitory. Harry sat down on the armchair opposite Hermione. He stared at the pretty girl, her cheeks still red from crying.

'Oh God, Harry, what have you done?'

Hermione started to stir.

"Hey" Harry whispered.

"Hey" The girl replied.

"I'm sorry. For everything" Harry looked into Hermione's eyes, the two were quiet for a while.

"I'll never get used to it" He added.

"I'm not expecting you too, you just don't need to be an arse about it."

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