Chapter 14

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Hermione woke up to Fay gently nudging her on the shoulder.

"Do you want to come down to breakfast with us? We're eating then going down to the quidditch match" 

Hermione smiled at her friend.

"Thanks, I need to get dressed first, I might meet you down there" 

Hermione got changed, she slipped her trainers on, brushed her hair and teeth and ran down towards the Quidditch field.

She saw Harry walking towards the changing room and she ran up to him.

"Good luck Harry"

Harry turned his head away from Hermione, as if he as hiding something. Hermione frowned at Harry, grabbed his head and turned it towards herself. She gasped as she saw the massive purple bruise on Harry's face. She asked him what happened but he just brushed her off.

"I'm fine, just leave me alone" Harry stormed off towards the changing room.

Hermione found Ron -and to her surprise- Neville and Luna on the Gryffindor stands.

"Morning" She said.

Neville nodded to when he saw her, Ron grunted in response and Luna, was just well, Luna. After Hermione declined a Quibbler from Luna, she turned to Ron.

"Did Harry seem himself this morning?" 

Ron frowned slightly "I haven't seem him, I woke up and he was gone. I'm assuming he is going to turn up. Why, did he say something to you?"

"He was really blunt, and he had a massive bruise on his face"

Ron didn't look surprised. "When hasn't that boy got a cut, scrape, boneless arm or bruise?" He smiled slightly, trying to cheer Hermione up. Sensing it wasn't working he added "You and Harry had an argument yesterday right? Maybe he is still annoyed about  that?"

Hermione bit her lip "I'm worried about him" 

"He fought off He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named when he was one, I'm sure he'll be fine" 

"I hope so" Hermione whispered.


There was a loud groan from the Gryffindor side as Malfoy caught the snitch and the match ended. Hermione didn't know whether to be happy or not, her house had lost the match but her boyfriend had just won the match by catching the snitch. Draco was jumping, high-fiving and laughing with his Slytherin friends as he walked towards the changing rooms, he caught Hermione's eye and she winked at him, Draco beamed back at her.

Hermione sat in the empty seats, waiting for Draco to come out of the locker room. When he finally did he ran over to her.

"We kicked your ass" He smiled

"Lucky catch" 

Draco gasped. "I just happen to be rather good at quidditch, although, what was it you said in your second year? "At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in, they got in on pure talent" Well, I guess you were wrong miss.Granger" 


Hermione's and Draco's face were 3cm away from each other, Draco looked into her bewitching eyes and kissed her. His hands were on her waist, he held her tight, wanting to never let go. Hermione returned the kiss, her arms around his pale neck. It started to rain, tiny little patters at first  and then all of a sudden it started pouring down. The rain thudding on them, they broke away from their kiss. Draco took Hermione's hand and they ran into the shelter of the castle. 

"You look gorgeous, Hermione. Even with your soaked hair stuck to your face" Draco giggled.

Hermione laughed with him, not knowing how slippery the floors were and she fell onto the floor. Draco took one look at her and howled with laughter, he held his sides and tried to catch his breath.  Hermione lay on the floor, an eyebrow raised. When Draco recovered himself he helped her up.

"You alright there?" She asked as Draco wiped away a tear.

He smiled and pulled her in close, he kissed her again, passionately. They stood like that for a minute when they heard a cough, they turned and looked to where the noise had come from.

"Mr. Malfoy, perhaps if you spent more time studying and less time....doing oth-er things, per-haps, you would be performing better in class" Draco looked down as Professor Snape walked away.

As soon as he had turned the corner they burst out in giggles.

"I'll see you later Granger, meet me by the kitchen at five O'clock tonight?"

"I will" 

Draco watched Hermione walk away and smiled to himself. 'Isn't she wonderful, and she's all mine' Draco strutted away, hands in his pockets, smiling like an idiot.


Thanks for the postive comments guys, I have been feeling low about this story because it isn't getting many views but I will continue writing! I promise. Love always, Briony.

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