Chapter 4 ~A date with a Malfoy

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  • Dedicated to LilyFlower

Hermione was awaken by the sound of several feet running around the shared dorm. "What time is it?" She grumbled. "8:30" Replied Parvati as she ran into the bathroom just before Lavender could reach it. "PARVATI! I WAS JUST ABOUT TO GO IN THERE" The blond haired girl cried. Hermione rolled her eyes "Lavender, we have 2:30 hours to get ready. Be quiet!" Lavender sent daggers Hermione's way. 'It's too early for this' she thought to herself but she knew with all the kerfuffle going on she wouldn't get back to sleep. With a groan Hermione dragged herself out of bed and started to get ready with the rest of the excited witches.

Hermione started to get dressed, she looked outside when Fay -one of her room mates- said "You might want to wrap up warm, it's really cold outside"  and gave Hermione a warm smile. Hermione got out a pair of jeans, a warm jumper, a denim coat and a beanie hat. "You're not wearing all that now are you? You'll boil if you wear that inside" Fay laughed. "Of course not" Hermione smiled at her room mate.

Hermione walked down the stairs and into the common room. "Morning" She said to an already dressed Ginny. "The girls wake you up with all their clobbering around?" Laughed Ginny. Hermione smiled a smile that said everything. "The boys not up yet I see" Said Hermione as she slumped into an armchair "Oh please, they wont get up until they have half an hour and then they will wonder why they're always late" The two girls laughed and Ginny crossed her legs and turned to Hermione. "So, have you decided what you're going to do about Draco?" She enquired. "I really have no idea, do you think it's a joke?" There was a pause before Ginny answered. "No" Hermione looked up at her friend surprised. "I was looking at him in the great hall yesterday, he's either a really good actor or he wasn't faking. I've seen Draco try to get out of detention from McGonagoll, he's a terrible liar." "But it's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy! Why would he like a 'mudblood' like me?" Asked Hermione. "The heart wants what the heart wants" The two girls burst out laughing at that point, it wasn't even that funny.

As the two Gryffindors sat down at their house table Hermione noticed Draco wasn't there. "Where do you suppose he is?" She wondered, more to herself than to Ginny. "Probably looking in a mirror and getting ready for your date!" Hermione glared at her best friend. "It's not a date, I'm not even sure if I'm going." Ginny raised an eyebrow "Well you better decide soon because it's 10 minutes till 11" At the moment Harry and Ron came running into the great hall, sat down and started shoving breakfast into their faces. "Attractive" Said Ginny in disgust. "Come on Ginny, lets leave these boys to their food. I need to get my jacket anyway".

As the four of them -Hermione, Ron, Harry and Ginny- emerged from the castle they were hit with a blast of winter weather. "Bloody hell" Ron said as he watched his breath form in the air. Hermione looked over to the gate, it was 11 o'clock and there was no sign of Malfoy. "Maybe he is just late" Suggested Ginny. They went over to Professor. McGonagoll and to be ticked off the register and started walking towards the carriages. Just before Hermione got in the carriage Ginny poked her on the shoulder. "Look" She whispered. Hermione looked over to where Ginny had nodded and standing there was Malfoy. She couldn't just leave him standing there. "I'll catch up with you guys later" She said, leaving Harry and Ron confused and Ginny sat there smiling.

The grass crunched beneath her feet as she walked over to the tall, blond slytherin boy. Draco looked up as he heard the footsteps coming towards him. "Hi" Hermione said. "Hi" Draco replied. Hermione bit her lip, she wasn't sure what to say or do; it was Draco who broke the silence. "Shall we go?" Hermione nodded. They had missed the last carriage so they had to walk. The only thing that could be heard was their footsteps and the occasional flap of wings as owls soared above their heads, delivering mail to an fro.

"Why did you ask me to come here with you?" Hermione asked. Shoot. She hadn't meant to say that, but she needed something to say and it slipped out! Draco just laughed "Don't beat around the bush then!" His laugh was sweet but suddenly his face went serious again. It was like he was scared to laugh. "Is there a reason I shouldn't ask you?" He questioned. It was Hermione's turn to laugh "YES! There are plenty! Number one being you hate me. Two, you hate my friends. Three, you bullied me for all of the years I have been a Hogwarts. Four, I'm a mudblood..." Hermione faded out when she said that, for Draco had stopped. "I guess I can't blame you for thinking all that" He said with a face of stone. They carried on walking in the quietness. "So?" Hermione pestered. "So what?" Draco asked "Why did you ask me to come to Hogsmeade with you?" Hermione asked for the second time. Draco didn't answer for a minute and he could see Hermione getting more agitated waiting for an answer. "You're cute when you're frustrated Granger" They both stopped immediatly in their tracks. Draco realised what he said and his face dropped. Hermione stood there, shocked. "I think I should go" Draco said in a hurry and with that he was gone.


Sorry for the VERY late update! My teachers feel it necessary to give me lots and lots and lots of coursework! *Sigh* Anyway I would like to dedicate this Chapter to Lilyflower, who has given me a lot of support recently! Thank you for reading this and if you liked it, vote & comment & stuff. Byeeee.

P.S. If you wanna see Hermione's outfit go here:

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