chapter 5~The meeting of Luna

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Hermione was sat in the three broomsticks by herself drinking a butterbeer. She hadn't known what to do when Draco ran off. She didn't feel like meeting up with Harry and Ron, they would only question her about Malfoy, she knew Ginny would do the same. She thought about going back to Hogwarts but there was a chance she could bump into Malfoy so instead she just wandered around Hogsmeade for about an hour and then came and sat in the three broomsticks. As much as Hermione loved the wizarding world, sometimes it was just nice to sit and do normal things, like sit in a cafe and people watch. Even though sitting in a pub full of witches and wizards, watching her fellow magic students run around buying broomsticks and other magic related items wasn't excatly normal for most people.

Hermione was a muggle-born, she had been raised as a muggle and her parents were muggle dentists. She had known nothing of this world until she was 11 years of age, and even though she had been involved for many years, sometimes it could still make Hermione catch her breath. Hermione loved her friends and her teachers but she still missed her parents, she knew her parents wouldn't understand about Draco and why she was so confused. Her parents thought he was an evil little cockroach and that was that.

Hermione laughed at herself, here she was complaining -in her mind of course- about missing her parents, when so many people would have loved to be in her shoes. She drained the last of her butterbeer and was about to get up and leave when she noticed a girl staring at her. The girl had dirty blond hair that reached her waist and pale skin, her name was Luna Lovegood. Hermione had noticed her before, but never really spoke to her; most people called her "Loony" because of the weird things she said.

Luna walked over to Hermione's table "Hello" She said in a distant voice. "Oh, um, hello" Hermione didn't know what to say, she had never talked to this girl before and had only a few classes with her. The girl was wearing a necklace made of butterbeer caps and she looked suprised- though her eyebrows made her look permenantly surprised. "May I have your butterbeer cap?" The girl asked. Hermione tried to retain a laugh "Um sure, of course" Hermione handed Luna the bottle top. "Thanks, would you like a quibbler?" "A what?" Hermione asked, confused. "The quibbler, my father writes it. This week there's an article about  Crumple-Horned snorckacks". This time Hermione had to bite her lip to stop the laughter escaping. "Um, no thank you. I mean I would, but I don't have any money" Luna didn't take the hint, she just smiled as she said "That's okay, you gave me the bottle top so I'll give you this" Luna placed the magazine on the table, said goodbye and practically floated out the door.

Hermione let a chuckle escape her lips, she put the quibbler in her bag and headed back up to the castle.


It's only short I know but I just wanted to write something, I had planned for it to be longer but I got caught up in the film I was watching. Let me know what you guys think of this, thanks :) Over and out <3

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