Chapter 21

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Hermione's eyes fluttered open, her room filled with light, she rolled over and looked at her clock. 13:25, the bright red light from the alarm clock hurt her eyes. Hermione had been in bed most of the holiday, well, ever since the letters stopped.

At the beginning of the summer, letters arrived every other day from Draco -Harry and Ron had written twice- but as the holiday continued, the letters got shorter and less frequent and one day, the letters just stopped.

"Hermione" her mothers voice called "Hermione are you still in bed?" Mrs. Granger came into the room "You've got a letter" Hermione sat up straight and took the letter from her mother's hands quickly. It wasn't from Draco, it wasn't his hand-writing. Hermione turned the envelope around to open it and saw the Hogwarts crest stamped on the back. She slumped back into her bed. It was august 28th, she'd have to go and get her shopping for school soon. She sighed at the thought, getting out of bed was just such a hassle.

All of a sudden, a loud thump came from her window. "Errol" Hermione squeaked as she opened the window to let him in. She found some treats for him and took the letter of his leg. Scrawled in Rons awful Handwriting was this:

Dear Hermione,

This would have been sent sooner however Errol has only just recovered from hitting my window, being knocked unconscious and falling straight to the ground, bloody bird. Mum wants to know if you want to spend the last couple of days of the holiday here at the burrow. We -Ginny, Harry and I- haven't got our school supplies yet. I guess you you have, you're organized as anything but you should still come with us. You need a break from all the books you've been reading! (Hermione chuckled and looked up towards the pile of books in the corner). Anyway, send a reply back with Errol and we will see you when we see you!



Hermione grabbed a pen and immediately began writing her response, she didn't need to ask her parents, she knew they would just be happy she was getting out of bed.


Hermione landed with a thud in the weasley's living room. Coughing, she stood up and brushed the bits of ash off her clothes and hair. Hermione had never got used to the floo powder way of travelling, it was too messy for her liking. "Hermione" a voice sounded. She turned around to see Harry in the doorway "Harry" Hermione exclaimed as she wrapped her arms tightly around her best friend.

"Let the boy breathe Hermione" Ron's voice came from behind Harry. "Ron" Hermione let go of Harry and hugged Ron. "I've missed you, both of you"

"Well Hermione, are you going planning to clean this dreadful mess up?" Fred had appeared out of nowhere.

"Right awful mess you've made here" Added George, whom, just like his brother, had appeared from nowhere.

"Oh shut up" Ginny entered the room "Stop crowding the girl!" Ginny gave Hermione a strong hug.

"WHAT IS ALL THIS RACKET?!" Mrs. Weasley entered the increasingly crowded room. "Oh, Hermione dear! How good to see you! How long have you been here? Not long I suppose! Go put all your stuff in Ginny's room and get settled in, lunch is in 10 minutes. Fred, George, clean this mess up!" Hermione heard the twins groan as she, Ginny and the boys left the room.

Hermione dropped her suitcase and fell onto the blow up bed with a sigh. Ginny made a shooing motion with her hand, the boys rolled their eyes and left.

"It's good to see you" Hermione smiled

"Shut up and spill" Ginny said as she sat beside Hermione.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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