chapter 19

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Hermione was sat in her room, her last exam was done. She had finished packing, another year of her life at Hogwarts was over. It had all gone so fast. Hermione's thoughts were interrupted by an owl at her window; She opened it and took a note from his beak.'Meet me by the lake, after dinner' Hermione smiled as she looked at her boyfriends hand writing and wondered what surprise he had for her.

Hermione wasn't normally one for dressing up, but tonight was special. She put her hair up nice and spent ages trying to find an outfit.

Draco paced, he was nervous but he didn't know why. He was showered, dressed and ready. He looked at the time and left for the lake.

Hermione looked at the clock, 6:50, she walked out of her dormitory and down to the common room. As she descended the stairs, Harry and Ron watched as a beautiful Lady walked into their presence."Hermione, you look, wow" Harry stuttered.

"Bloody hell" Ron looked at her, his mouth open wide.

"Well doesn't someone look pretty". Hermione turned around to see Fred and George looking down on her.

"and where are you going missy?"

"Just for a stroll" Fred and George looked at each other.

"You know Fred, I can't remember the last time I got all dressed up to go for a walk, can you?"

"Can't say I can George. Hermione, it's getting late perhaps me and George should accompany you"

Hermione started to panic."No, no you don't need to do that!"

"Oh I think we do Granger" "Don't want you out by yourself!"

Ginny snuck up behind her two brothers and pinched their ears and held on tight "Now I think Hermione is going to go down and have a walk by herself".

The twins faces were scrunched up in pain."understood" they said in unison.

She walked towards the lake and saw Draco looking up at her. As soon as they were close enough Draco kissed her "I love you" he whispered."I love you, I love you, I love you"

Hermione smiled "I love you too." She looked around "so what are we doing tonight?"

"You'll see"

Almost as soon as Draco said that, music started playing, Hermione tried to find where the music was coming from. But couldn't. Slowly, a harp appeared from the lake.

"It's corny" Draco blushed.

Hermione smiled "It's perfect".

Draco took a box from his coat pocket and handed it to Hermione, confused, she opened it. Inside the box was a ring. She looked closer and saw an inscription 'always'.

Hermione looked at Draco, tears in her eyes, "it's beautiful".

Draco chuckled "Alright Granger, don't get so emotional! It isn't a Wedding ring or anything". Draco took the ring and put it on Hermiones hand. It fit perfectly.

The two on them laid on the grass by the river till midnight.

"How have we not been caught?" Hermione wondered aloud.

Draco smiled."Crabbe and Goyle are standing guard of the entrance". Hermione raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

Hermione sat up "we should get going".

Draco sat up and looked at the lake "Let's do something daring Hermione, so we'll always have this moment, no matter what happens".

Hermione narrowed her eyes, and asked what he had in mind. Draco nodded his head towards the lake

"Ever been skinny dipping?"

"Draco you can't be serious!"

"Are you chicken?"

"Of course not, but there are things in that lake"

"they'll be asleep. And you don't have to worry about me seeing you, I can hardly see my hand in front of my face. Come on Granger, live a little"

Hermione thought about it. She took of her dress.

"Oh my god, this is crazy!" Draco had taken off his suit and was standing in his boxers.

"Draco I cant see anything, we should have just gone in"

Draco walked towards Hermione "where's your hand?" He found it and grabbed it.

"Ready Granger?"

"We're mad". Draco squeezed her hand and they ran towards the lake.



Hermione quietly shut the door of the common room, 'the common room should be empty' she thought to herself. But she was wrong. Sat on the comfy chairs, arms crossed, were Harry, Ron and Ginny. Hermione tried to make it look like her hair wasn't drenched, her make up hadn't run and she was not freezing cold.

"some walk huh?" Harry's voice was cold as ice.

"Um Yeh, it was nice"

"didn't know it had been raining" nodding at Hermiones hair.

"I, um, I"

"Fred , and George are out looking for you"

"You knew I was hanging out with Draco."

"I hope that's all you were doing"

"What on earth is that supposed to mean?"

"I think you know"

"Well you obviously don't know me if you think I would be doing that!"

"maybe I don't"

"Harry you should trust me!"

"I used to"

Hermione's eyes filled with tears and she ran upstairs.

Lions and Snakes ~ DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now