Chapter 3~ An arguement and a unexpected question.

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Hullo!  I am really new to this so I don't really have a writing routine! I kinda write when I feel like it! (I wanted to write a lot recently). Thing is, I'm feeling rather low because I have gotten quite a few views but no votes or comments. I will probably keep this up for a while but if the views go down and I still haven't got ANYTHING then I might consider stopping writing this.  So please tell me what you think of this? Okay, byeeeeeee!  P.S. All characters are J.K. Rowlings!


Hermione walked out of her detention with Snape, feeling icky. He had made her clean all the cauldrons by hand! "I don't know what that kid was trying to make but it definitely wasn't love potion!" She muttered to herself as she remembered the smell of puke floating through her nostrils. All she wanted to do was go have a nice hot bath, but then her stomach started grumbling. She missed most of dinner but there was probably still more than a few bread rolls and dessert left.

She started to make her way to the great hall when she saw him. Draco was on his way back to the slytherin common room but when he saw Hermione, he started to walk a different way. 'Oh no you don't!' She thought to herself.  She followed Draco until she was almost directly behind him. "Why are you following me?" Draco said. He sounded exhausted. "I need to talk to you!" Hermione stated firmly. "I think I'll pass." Draco started to walk away. Hermione grabbed him by the collar and practically threw him into an empty classroom. "What the hell do you think you're doing? You-"  "Mudblood?" Hermione interrupted. " Now you listen here mister. I got a few things to get straightened up with you! Number one, don't you EVER dare call me a mudblood again! It's vile, cruel and pathetic. I'm much more intelligent than you will ever be! My parents may be muggles but at least they take an interest in me!" Draco looked down at the floor, a lot of his fierceness left him. Hermione felt bad, but only for a second. "And secondly, I would like to add I had NOTHING to do with that love letter! Fred and George wrote and sent it before I even woke up. I only found out about it because Fred told Ron who told Hermione who told me." Draco looked up, confused. "Who told who?" he asked. "Don't make me say it again! I also screamed at the twins when I found out what they did! I was mortified. And lastly, how dare you accuse me of things! I was late to potions and had to clean up vomit infested cauldrons because I was making it look like I hadn't been crying! AND THIS IS ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT!" Hermione was red in the face and standing on tiptoes by this point. "WHAT, DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF?" She screamed. "Do you wan't to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?" Draco asked. "DO I WANT TO - wait, what?"

Hermione looked up at him confused. Draco looked like all his feistyness had sunk out of him. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend" Hermione's mouth dropped wide open. "Are you-? What-? Did you-? uh-?" Hermione stuttered, she couldn't find the right words. "Are you going to finish any of those sentences?" Draco asked. "Why are you asking me? You hate me." Draco smirked at the confused girl in front of him. "There's something about you Granger, you bring out the worst in me." Draco turned to leave "Oh, and if you want to go with me to Hogsmeade I'll meet you at the school gates, 11am. See you later, Granger." Draco swaggered out of the classroom leaving a confused Hermione. " What the hell just happened?"


"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Ginny screamed. Hermione had just finished telling her what had happened between her a Draco. They were back in the Gryffindor common room and sitting in the comfy chairs by the fire. They were supposed to be working on their charms homework but had taken a break. Hermione nodded, "I was screaming at him and he just asked "Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me"" She rubbed her forehead "I just don't get it, he has hated me ever since he met me! Why does he suddenly want to hang out with me?" She asked. Ginny fiddled with he quill in concentration. "Maybe he likes you" She wondered. Hermione looked up at her as if she was stupid. "Okay, maybe not. Maybe he is trying to get back at you for screaming at him, and for that love note" Ginny concluded. "Why would he need to take me out to Hogsmeade for that" Hermione asked. "Hmm, that's a good point. Anyway it doesn't matter anyway right? You aren't going to go with him are you?" Questioned Ginny. "ARE YOU?" Shouted a shocked Ginny when Hermione didn't answer. "No, of course not! Don't be silly!" Hermione laughed. Was she thinking about going with him? Of course not. It's Draco Malfoy for goodness sake! They hated each-other, he hated her best friends. No, of course she wasn't going to go with him.


Hermione plopped down on her bed. She had just returned from dinner at the great hall. Draco had noticed her looking at him several times, and each time he saw he looking he smiled to himself. Not an evil grin, a smile. Admittedly it wasn't a huge smile, it was sort of a hopeful smile. Hermione wondered what he was thinking. Was he thinking about her? Draco looked up at her for what must have been the 10th time and saw Hermione staring at him; She quickly looked away cursing herself. 'He must be pretty smug with himself right now. Got that Granger all in a tizzy' she thought to herself.

'The Hogsmeade trip is the day after tomorrow, that gives me chance to back out if I want to. But I don't need to back out, since I never said I would go. Why am I even thinking about this?! God Hermione get a grip! This IS DRACO MALFOY we're thinking about here. The guy who tortured you ever since you started Hogwarts! Am I really considering going with him?' She was annoyed at him for getting her so wound up.

Hermione put her hair into a loose ponytail and went back into the common room. "Ah Hermione just the person I wanted to see" She sat next to Ron, who had his potions work in his lap and raised her eyebrow. "Yes, Ronald?" She asked. "Well, you know you're the most brilliant, brightest witch of her age? I wondered if you might help me with my potions homework?" Ron pleaded. "Smooth Ron" Harry laughed. "Ron, How on earth are you going to learn anything if I do all your homework?" "How am I going to learn anything scrubbing cauldrons because you wouldn't help me with my homework?" Ron retorted. Hermione sighed as the red headed boy dumped his homework into her lap, she turned to Harry. "I suppose you want me to help you with yours as well?" Harry smiled at her "since you offered" Harry dumped his homework in Hermione's lap as well. "I'm only going to mark these you know, I'm not doing them for you" She said sternly. "Yes Hermione" The two boys chimed.

She started correcting the boys mistakes, and there was A LOT of mistakes! She felt someone sit beside and looked up to see Ginny. "Really? You're still doing their homework?" Ginny laughed. "No, she is correcting it!" Insisted Harry with an evil smile upon his face. "Hermione, when we go to Hogsmeade on Saturday do you want to go to the three broomsticks or Zonko's first?" Harry asked. "Haven't you told them yet?" Ginny whispered. "Told us what?" Harry and Ron said in unison. "Hermione was asked to go to Hogsmeade by a certain blonde haired Slytherin boy we all know" Ginny giggled. Hermione gave her daggers. "Are you bloody serious? Malfoy asked you out?" Ron said, astounded. "Calm down Ron. She isn't going to go, it's Malfoy for god sake" Harry laughed. Hermione knew they were right, it would be stupid to go with Malfoy. But she couldn't help being curious as to what he wanted. She finished Ron's essay and chucked it on the table. "Harry, I'll finish yours later" she said as she started to rub her temples. 'This is probably exactly what Draco wanted' she thought to herself 'get me all confused and upset'

Later that night, after she had finished "correcting" Harry's homework she slipped into her Pyjamas and got ready for bed. 'What am I getting so frustrated about?' She thought to herself. And with that, she got into bed and went to sleep!


So, do you guys like it? Vote, comment and share if you did! If you have any constructive criticism I would be happy to hear it :D

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