Chapter 9

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"Hermione?" A voice called out "Are you in here?" Hermione stirred in her bed, she hadn't been able to sleep at all last night and did not want to get up now. "You've over-slept" Hermione shot up out of bed and drew the curtains "WHAT?! WHAT TIME IS IT?" She panicked, Ginny smiled at her "Don't worry, you still have an hour before first lesson" Ginny pulled out a plate with two slices of buttered toast from behind her back "I bought you breakfast" She paused "To make up for telling the boys about you and Draco" Hermione smiled "Whats done is done, although I wont be talking to Harry anytime soon!" Hermione remarked as she pulled her robes out of the wardrobe and went into the bathroom to get changed.

"Are you going to forgive him?" Ginny called. There was a silence "I don't know, he has to apologise to me, but that might not be enough. Maybe I should get him to apologise to Draco?" "He will never agree to that! He'd rather die". Hermione walked out the bathroom fully dressed, hair brushed and teeth cleaned. "How do you get ready so quickly?" Ginny gasped, amazed at how fast her best friend took to get ready every morning. Hermione laughed at her. "I don't spend ten years putting on make-up like most other girls in school!" Ginny looked down at the toast "Do you want this? Cause Ron is downstairs complaining he is still hungry" Hermione rolled her eyes"When isn't that boy hungry? And tell him he can have it." She paused "Is Harry down there?" "No, he went straight to class after breakfast, or at least that's where he said he was going". They walked down stairs and sat by the window, the snow flakes were slowly falling down over the Hogwarts grounds and it made it seem even more beautiful.

"So am I allowed to know what is going on between you too?" Ginny asked. Hermione broke away from staring out the window, and thought for a moment. "I don't really know what to tell you, I guess we're friends. In a way." Ginny cocked her head in a confused manner, Hermione sighed and knew she had to tell Ginny all about what happended with Draco the day before, so she did. Ginny listened paitiently and waited for Hermione to finish before she said "He likes you". Hermione looked out the window "You think so?" "Well, Draco wouldn't act like that in front of just anyone. Are you going to meet him after school?"  Hermione smiled faintly and nodded "Promise you wont tell the boys?" "I promise"

"What lesson do you have today?" Ginny asked. Hermione got out her time table and was relived to see she had Ancient Runes and then Arithmancy which meant no Harry for the first four lessons, however she did have defence against the dark arts with Draco and Harry last thing. When she told Ginny all she could say was "I'm sure it will okay. How can you enjoy Arithmancy anyway? It's so difficult!"  Hermione smiled as she said "I think it is wonderful"


The day sped ahead, Hermione liked her lessons and loved to learn, she soon forgot about everything and just enjoyed being taught. But soon enough it was time to go to Defence against the dark arts. She had been hanging around the corridors at lunch, she didn't want to bump into Harry and cause another scene, but now it was time to go the place she had been dreading all day. 'Maybe it wont be too bad, Lupin will keep the boys in hand right?' She thought to herself.

She walked through the classroom door and saw she was early. "Good afternoon, Miss. Granger, you're early as usual! Nothing wrong with that of course". She smiled, sat down in her usual seat and waited for the rest of the class to join her. Slowly, the pupils started filing in, but Harry and Draco had not yet entered. Hermione turned around to Ron "Where's Harry?" Ron looked up at her with a straight face "I dunno" Hermione narrowed her eyes at him. "Ah Harry, Malfoy glad you're finally here" Hermione turned around to see the two boys entering the classroom, both looking very solemn. Hermione managed to catch Draco's eye but he looked away almost instantly, she turned around to face Harry. "What the hell is going on?" she whispered. "Miss. Granger, if you don't mind I'm trying to start a lesson here" Professor. Lupin raised his eyebrows "Sorry sir" Hermione turned around in her seat.

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