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Not a lot happened in the first month Olivia was living in Boston. She went to school and work, while also spending time with her father. She was enjoying being in Boston and being away from Elliot and Brandy. But one night, something really changed.

"Hello?" Olivia yawned as she answered her cell. It was late, and she just got back from dinner with her father and fell asleep almost as soon as she walked in the door.

"Liv? I need to tell you something." Serena breathed.

"Tell me what? What's wrong?" Olivia asked, as she hesitantly pushed herself up.

"Honey, something happened."

"Mom, just tell me what's happening!" Olivia exclaimed. She didn't like the fact her mother was tiptoeing around what was happening.

"I got a call from Bernie Stabler tonight, and she told me that Elliot is in the hospital. He's really sick, and she wanted me to tell you. Just in case something happened."

"He's sick? What does he have?" Olivia breathed. She still hated Elliot, but for some reason she couldn't stop herself from caring about him. He would always be her first kiss and first love.

"Bernie won't tell me, but she said that he's really sick and he might not make it."

"Oh god." Olivia sniffled, as she closed her eyes tightly.

"Do you want to come home? I can send Doug to come and get you. Or we could buy you a plane ticket."

"N-no... I don't know what I'm going to do."

"Liv, you should really come home. Just in case."

"Mom, I'll figure it out. Please, just figure out what is happening with Elliot and send me a text when you find out."


Olivia knew that she probably shouldn't go back to Manhattan, especially since she had class on Monday morning, yet she couldn't stop herself. She contacted her father, and he helped her get a train ticket to Manhattan and dropped her off at the station. It was only a five-hour ride, but it seemed so much longer because she was worrying. She was worrying about the boy that broke her heart.

"Mrs. Stabler?" Olivia asked softly as she approached Elliot's mother. She took a cab straight from the train station, so she felt like she looked like a mess.

"Olivia? What are you doing here?" Bernie asked as she hugged her son's ex. Bernie prayed that Olivia and Elliot would get back together because she hates Brandy.

"My mom called me and told me about Elliot. She said that he was sick, and that you wanted me to know, because he might not make it... so what's wrong with him? Did he get into an accident or-"

"Sweet girl, slow down. He wasn't in an accident. It's his heart."

"His heart? What about his heart?" Olivia breathed.

"It's failing. More like his body is rejecting it."

"How can his own body reject his heart?"

"Because it's his second heart. He had a transplant when he was a baby, and now he's rejecting it."

"H-he never told me." Olivia whispered, as she thought about all the conversations she had had with Elliot. How never once brought up the fact he had a heart transplant when he was younger.

"He is on the transplant list, so now we are just waiting. Oh, and praying. Almost none stop." Bernie breathed. Olivia ran her hands over her face before looking over the crowd of Stablers that were waiting for news on their little brother.

"Where's Brandy?"

"I don't know. We haven't been able to get in contact with her since he collapsed. She must be overwhelmed with this all."

"No, she's just a selfish bitch." Olivia huffed.


Olivia sent all the Stablers down to get something to eat, and she sat and waited to see if a doctor would come out with any news. As she waited, she messaged her father and told him what was happening. How Elliot was super sick because he was rejecting his heart, and that they didn't know if he would make it or not.

"Excuse me, but do you know if a Brandy Lewis is here?" A nurse asked as she approached Olivia. Olivia looked at her for a moment before shaking her head.

"No. Is Elliot awake?"

"And you are?" The nurse questioned.

"I'm Olivia Benson. I'm one of his friends." Olivia lied. She didn't consider Elliot her friend anymore, but if it allowed her to get an update on Elliot, she'd say he was pretty much anything to her.

"Well, I can't give you a lot of information, but he is awake and his responding well to the medication."

"That's good, right?"

"It's great. I'll be back soon to talk to his parents, so tell them for me?" 

"Y-yeah, I can do that. But can I see him?" Olivia asked, which shocked herself. She was sure that she never wanted to see Elliot again, but now she was asking to see him.

"For a few minutes, but not longer than that. You need to wear a mask and gloves since he is more at risk to catch an infection."


Olivia walked into Elliot's room and found him flipping through the channels on the small TV. She watched him from the door before clearing her throat. Elliot dropped the remote and turned to look at the visitor. He was hoping it was Brandy, but he was pleasantly surprised when he saw Olivia instead.

"Liv? What are you doing here?" Elliot asked hoarsely.

"My mom told me you were sick, so I came back to make sure you were okay. I don't know why I'm worrying about you, when you really did nothing to deserve it." Olivia mumbled.

"It's nice to see you, though... I'm fine, I'm going to live." Elliot spoke bravely. 

Olivia nodded hesitantly before moving and sitting beside his bed. She looked down at her gloved hands before looking back at Elliot.

"What's crazy is that I'm here and Brandy isn't."

"She isn't here? She was the one who called an ambulance when I collapsed. I thought that she'd be here to make sure I'm okay." Elliot frowned.

"It's because she really hasn't changed, and I don't think that I will ever stop caring about you. That's why I'm here."

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