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That night, Olivia got back home and helped her brother unload his gifts. Then she went upstairs and showered before climbing into bed. She was just scrolling through some app, when her mother knocked on the door and let herself in.

"How was shopping?" Serena asked, and Olivia shrugged as she locked her phone before placing it on her bedside table.

"It was okay. Matt knew exactly what he wanted, so it didn't take us long." Olivia smiled weakly.

"Matt said that he saw you talking to someone."

"He did? Who did he say that I was talking to?" Olivia asked. She didn't think that Matt had been close enough to spot herself and Elliot in the middle of the crowded food court.

"Elliot Stabler." Serena spoke as she lifted the blanket and climbed in beside her daughter.

"Elliot saw me, and he started a conversation. It didn't last long, especially after he asked if we could try to be together again."

"Why did you say no?" Serena asked, and Olivia frowned as she raked her fingers through her hair.

"Because he isn't good for me, Mom. He's toxic, and he told me that he never loved me and never would. I don't need someone like that in my life. I don't think I will end up dating in college, and if I do... it won't be Elliot." Olivia replied. Serena nodded with a frown.

"Do you still love him?" Serena asked.

"Mom." Olivia sighed.

"C'mon. Tell me the truth. No one else will find out." Serena smiled. She wrapped her arms around her daughter and hugged her tightly. Olivia sighed and knew that if she didn't tell her mother, then she wouldn't be let out of this hug.

"I think a small part of me will always love him. But I don't think it will anything but that. So please, let me go and let me sleep."


Elliot got home after shopping, and he found his mother putting away around three hundred cookies. She always baked for church, but Elliot was sure that she overdid it this year.

"Ma, you made too many cookies." Elliot sighed.

"I made the perfect amount, El. Especially since you, your brothers, and father sit down and eat six at a time." Bernie smiled. Elliot rolled his eyes but proceeded to walk over and grab a cookie. He sat down at the island as his mother finished up.

"How was dinner with Carol?" Bernie asked.

"It was good. She's excited about tomorrow, but she always is." Elliot replied.

"Is something wrong, honey? You seem sad."

"I feel like a complete dumbass, Ma. I hate myself." Elliot frowned.

"What happened?" Bernie asked softly as she moved around the counter and to where her son sat. 

"I saw Olivia tonight, and I asked if we could get back together. She said no, because I was an ass to her. I said things that I never should have said, and I did things that I never should have done. I hate myself, because I really think that Olivia might be the one for me." Elliot breathed.

"The one? Oh, sweetie. I have never heard you say that about her! Or Brandy!"

"I thought that Brandy and I would end up together, but our relationship was fake. She liked how I was into baseball and that I was always invited to parties. She liked how she looked on my arm... but Olivia. Ma, Olivia loved me for me. She liked when we would just spend time together, away from other people. But I fucked up what could have been a lasting relationship with the girl I love." Elliot replied.

He stood and hugged his mother before leaving the kitchen. Bernie quickly ran and grabbed the house phone before dialing a number. After a moment, her call was answered.

"Hey! It's Bernie Stabler. My son is heartbroken, and I think we need to pull some strings to fix things between our kids."


Christmas was fun and exhausting for both Olivia and Elliot. Usually the day after Olivia and Elliot would just relax, but instead both were sent out of the house and to a meeting that their mothers had set up.

Olivia was sent out to ice skate in Central Park, and so was Elliot. They were told that their siblings would meet up with them later, but that was a lie.

"I thought the city was big enough that we'd never run into each other again. I'm sorry that your wish didn't come true." Elliot spoke as he watched Olivia walk to the rink.

"I guess you are just meant to ruin my holiday break. Thanks." Olivia sighed. She moved onto the rink, and Elliot was right behind her. He skated up to her side, and Olivia just ignored him.

"How was Christmas?" Elliot asked as he pulled his hat down over his ears.

"It was good. Yours?" Olivia replied.

"It was also good. Next Christmas will be fun because I will have a niece or nephew by then." Elliot smiled. Olivia turned and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Which sibling is having a baby?"

"Carol. It was a surprise, but she is dating this really nice guy and they both have stable jobs. So we approved, and I am so excited. I can't wait to be an uncle." Elliot smiled. He couldn't wait for kids of his own, but a niece or nephew would be a good first step instead.

"Congrats, El. I'll have to call Carol and congratulate her too." Olivia spoke. They continued around the rink in silence before Olivia looked at her watch and realized that they had been set up.

"Did your mom tell you that your siblings would be joining you? Because I was told that Matt was coming here to skate with me, but he's thirty minutes late." Olivia spoke. Elliot looked at his watch before laughing softly.

"I think we have been set up... I'm sorry. I told my mom about the day we saw each other, and I guess she felt bad."

"She has nothing to feel bad about, Elliot. What happened was shitty. But it wasn't her fault... and because we were set up, I'm going home. It's cold anyway." Olivia sighed.

She quickly made her way to the exit, and as she was sitting to take her skates off, Elliot sat beside her.

"What about if we are just friends? And we don't have to end this right now. We could go and get lunch, maybe warm up." Elliot spoke. Olivia looked down at her skates for a moment longer before sighing.

"I'm thinking pizza... but you are buying since you broke my heart many times."

"I will buy you as much pizza as you want, Liv. As long as we can try to be friends."

"I don't have many others, so sure. We can try to be friends."

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