Chapter 2: The New Life

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7 Years Later

Dear Diary,
It's been 7 whole years since I have written in you. My new life since I left Mystic Falls 7 years ago is great. I went to a great boarding school and made lots of great new friends. I also have a new best friend... her name is Caroline, We first met 7 years ago when we were both 16 we immediately bonded she helped me with my new life and helped me get over.... Damon. I have had quite a few boyfriends during school but nothing serious none of them lasted over a month. I'm currently single, Caroline and I graduated boarding school 3 years ago. We now live in a gorgeous apartment in NYC it's luxurious. We'll maybe I should just spill about my career and money life, it's the penthouse of our apartment building with the most gorgeous view, it's got 4 bedrooms One is mine and the other Caroline's. Each bedroom has a lovely bathroom. It has a huge living room, kitchen oh and we have a balcony! which I currently sit on, its my favorite spot in our huge apartment apart from my bedroom of course it has two plushy most comfortable day beds in the whole world with a built in spa with the view of the city and a park with a lake in the distance. I am no longer poor like I was 7 years ago I am a boss with Caroline of a salon business called 'Carlena dreams' it has made us both loads of money and is a huge success. I am no longer the girl I was 7 years ago with braces straight hair and baggy clothes. My face has matured my brunette soft, silky, shiny long hair now has waves through it. I have the longest legs, a skinny fit frame and like Caroline says which I don't believe is that my face is 'the most gorgeous face she has ever laid eyes on' I thought she was just being Caroline, but unfortunately not because every man in New York flirts with me when I'm out with my friends. Even Matt who I haven't seen for 7 years since I left Mystic Falls saw me last week and was blown away at how much I have changed and how gorgeous I look. As for Damon..., well I still think about him a fair bit which is stupid of me because he is no longer in my life. But... I can't help but wonder what he looks like and what he is like now and if he is still with the bitch face Katherine?. He would of eventually found out. I left Mystic Falls without saying goodbye to my once best friend and he kept on calling and texting me trying to be in contact with me for a year after the fight, but. I never answered his calls, or replied or read his texts. He must of gotten the message 6 years ago that I no longer wanted him in my life because he stopped trying to contact me. I haven't seen or talked or even contacted Damon since the fight. I had to put my FaceBook account on private after he sent me a friend request 2 years ago and I quickly made sure he could see none of my photo's or feed and most importantly my details about where I live now, but I don't have to worry he can't see my account ever since I blocked him that time he tried to send me a friend request. My Mom, Dad and Jer visit me every year which is nice, Jeremy just graduated school yesterday I am so proud. Anyway I will try to continue writing in you diary, I must go to work with Caroline now it's 6:30am in the morning.

I slammed my diary shut and stretched my long legs out along the day bed, the morning sun hitting my body as I lay on the daybed the sun warming up my tanned skin.
"ELENA!" Caroline called "Elena where are you!" She called again. I sighed and swung my long tanned legs over the side of the daybed. " I'm out here Care!" I called to her and stood up walking over to the glass sliding door from the balcony that leads into the apartment and pulling it open and stepped inside the cool air conditioned apartment. "There you are Elena!" Caroline exclaimed as she quickly ran around the living room putting things into her purse. "We have to both get ready, I have to go food shopping while you have to walk Nina!" Caroline told me putting her sunglasses on. "Ok sure, I was just gonna go get ready I will see you at work in 2 hours ok?" I questioned her while I headed to my bedroom to get changed "Ok, see you then Elena!" I heard Caroline say before I heard the front door to our apartment close.

I shook my head and and smiled "Man what would I do without you Care?" I murmured to myself chuckling before I went into my bathroom which was connected to my bed room. I quickly pulled off my night gown and garments and jumped Into the shower. Ugh! It felt so good with the hot water hitting my hair and body. I quietly started to sing as I grabbed the shampoo and conditioner and started to wash my hair.

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