Chapter 10: Sleep After A Long Day

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Bloody hell I hope they hurry there asses up! I start tapping my foot impatiently on the floor of the waiting room tiled floor at the vet waiting for my baby to be fixed and all better she should be out soon since I have been standing in the same spot of this vet for nearly 3 hours. Should I go into the room and ask them how much longer they will take?

I turn my head as I here the bell to the entrance of the vet ring as a big bloke comes through the door. I cringe as I land my eyes on his grey and black scruffy beard and hair and his big pot belly I let my eyes move down to his tattooed arms where he is holding a black chihuahua with a spiked collar around its neck, I really wouldn't like to be alone with that dude I shudder at the thought.

"Aye!" The I think Bikie shouts and waddles over to the front reception desk of the vet and leans over it scrunching up his face up while I stand only a few feet away from him. "Ye- Yes sir how can I help you" the small blond lady at the front desk stutters and starts biting her nails "I want me dog fixed!" He says in his thick bickie gang accent and shoves his Chihuahua in the ladies face.

"Y-Yes Sir right away s-sir" the girl stutters quickly without asking any questions and takes the Chihuahua from the scary bikies hands and rushes with his chihuahua to the back room of the vet and out of sight.

I gulp and look at the floor and wait standing silently for the vet to come out of the operation room with Nina, what if I'm here standing near this freaky guy for another 3 hours?

"Aye you!" The bikie shouts his voice sounding closer this time and I quickly snap my gaze up to where he now stands only a few feet in front of me pointing his hairy fat index finger at me his eyes freely roaming my body. I gulp and quickly cover my chest by crossing my arms and look at the freaky man with timid confidence.

"Yes?" I answer swallowing hardly and start to play with my fingers. I should call someone maybe Caroline? Or Matt? Or Kai he is a police officer he will be able to deal with this freak!

I didn't have time to make my decision and call Kai as the bikie starts waddling over to me and stops right in front of me. I try not to scrunch up my nose as his onion smelling breath fans over my face sending cringing shivers down my spine.

I furrow my eyebrows together in confusion as he throws his head back and laughs loudly his fat stomach bobbling as he does.

"You- he breaks off laughing again. "You should've seen you face love" He chuckles and then grins showing his yellow and rotten teeth with a missing front tooth.


"Oh ha-ha" I mock laugh.

"Alright e'nouth of dat me love" He chuckles again and then starts to cough right in front of my face I quickly turn my head away before his saliva can hit my face, The last thing I need is a cold, Probably not even a cold, probably a disease by the look of him. I hold up one hand over my mouth and slowly turn back to him as I hear him take one last cough.

"Right-e, My name is Bullet and I nee-

"Bullet?" I interrupted. Who has that kind of name? It makes me really want to scream and run away but I control myself before I think of doing just that, I raise one of my eyebrows up at him in question waiting for him to answer.

"Ye, Da names Bullet me love, Bullet Halton"

"Oh, well It's nice to meet you" I lie.

"Ye, I know ya'll lion, Probably think I'm goin to abduct ya right?" He says and lifts his tattooed arm and starts to scratch his beard.

"Yes- Wait, Wait I mean no of course not! I didn't think that!" I say chuckling nervously preparing myself to run away.

"Oi well, I just want to know how much cash I will need to pay to get me dog fixed" He says grinning revealing his yellow rotten teeth.

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