Chapter 13: Chevy Roadtrip

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Elena's P.O.V

"Tyler?" I say in shock my eyes widening as I glance at the single rose in his left hand which has one perfectly tied single red bow attached to the stalk, I feel my heart beat increase and my palms go sweaty, he isn't going to ask me out right, what do I say? I'm going to have to reject him, but he went through all this effort!

"Hi Elena..." Tyler said shyly rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, I glance over my shoulder to see Caroline giving me a thumbs up. 'What do I do?' I mouthed to her, she just shrugged her shoulders, great looks like I'm going to have to deal with this problem by myself.

"Hey Tyler" I say putting on a mock smile to cover up my scowl.

"Ugh, well I just haha, ugh, I just wanted ask if you will umm, considergoingonadatewithmenextthursday" He says to me quickly mumbling the last of the sentence.

I chuckle and see out of the corner of my eye that Damon is scowling like someone stole a toy from a toddler, I raise an eyebrow at Damon in question but he ignores me still looking at Tyler with a scowl, I watch as a part of his jaw clenches before turning back to Tyler.

"Are you trying to ask me out on a date?" I him question unsurely prying my fingers together behind my back my eyebrows raised in question.

"Yes, yes I am, Elena will you go on a date with me next Thursday night?" He said all sense of nervousness gone, that's when I realise Tyler isn't looking at me anymore.

He's looking at Damon.

No scratch that he's glaring at Damon.

I glance over my shoulder to see Damon glaring right back.

I clear my throat to get there attention, Tyler's head shots back to mine and he extends the rose to me smiling showing small dimples.

Being a lady I take the beautiful rose from his hand and bring it up to my nose and inhale the beautiful scent.


I sneeze unexpectedly.

I cover my mouth with embarrassment my cheeks flaming, I'm such a bloody idiot, I have always had bad allergies to flowers ever since my first family road trip where I found out I had bad allergies to flowers, it's quite sad actually since I can't have flowers in my house or office.

I guess that's why God created plastic flowers.

"I'm, I'm so sorry Tyler! I- I should of remembered I have allergies to flo-

I'm interrupted by a husky laugh filling the salon, I turn and glare when I see Damon in hysterics laughing and clucking his stomach strongly while me and Tyler glare at him.

"It darn right seems that all the girls want to blow you away man" Damon laughs at Tyler.

I roll my eyes and put my attention back on Tyler who is still glaring daggers at Damon howling in laughter.

"I'm sorry about that man Tyler, sometimes he just has to learn when he should get his head out his ass" I explain feeling eyes stabbing into my back.

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