Chapter 6: The New Roomate

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Elena's P.O.V
I quickly fixed the front of my tank top and took In a deep breath.

I can do this I'm not a 15 year old girl that has a crush on her best friend anymore.

I quietly closed my bedroom door and walked down the hallway I turned my head to see that Damon hadn't noticed me yet he was quietly sitting on the white lounge suite watching the tv with both his hands behind his head. I took the moment to quickly study his big biceps.

Crap Elena get a grip girl! I mentally scolded myself as I walked into the kitchen not taking another glance at Damon. I started opening cupboards and the fridge getting all the ingredients I needed to make my health smoothie. I poured the milk and placed the fruit in the blender and put the cap on it before I pressed the go button and it started blending the smoothie together.
Ugh why is the blender always so loud? I leant my side on the kitchen top and faced the blender waiting for the horrific noise to stop and my smoothie to be ready. I bent down below the kitchen top and opened a cupboard grabbing the tall glass cup that I normally always have my smoothie in.

I froze...

My hand clenched around the glass cup I just grabbed from below the kitchen top. I felt a warm hand placed on the skin of the small of my back which had risen up since I was bending down and my ass is sticking out!

God Lord help me now!

I took in a deep breath and abruptly stood up straight pulling my tank top down and turned to glare at the owner of the hand.


Surprise, surprise!

I'm not in the f*****g mood to talk to him or see him right now but the feeling of his hand... Oh shit I'm doing it again what's wrong with me?!

"Can I help you?" I say ignoring the earlier thoughts and sent him one of my best glares.

I have said hi to him earlier now I'm not going to be as easy to talk to after what he has done 7 years ago I would want to forgive him... But I never can and never will what he did was out of f***ing line and he doesn't deserve my forgiveness not now not ever!

Damon looked at the ground for a few seconds and then his gaze traveled back up to mine. Is that pleading I see in there? I snorted at my thought you have to be kidding me!

"I think it's time we sit down and have a talk" he said avoiding eye contact with me. I sharply turned around so my back was to him as the buzzer of the blender went off notifying that it has finished its job. "Well what if I don't want to?" I said sharply as I started pouring my smoothie into my glass cup. "Well we need to Elena and you better then everybody else knows that!" He said determinedly. I placed my smoothie down on the bench harshly and turned around taking a step towards Damon so that now there was only about 5cm between us.

"You don't know anything about me Salvatore!" I spat in his face letting my rage erupt from inside me.
"Maybe you knew everything about me 7 years ago, Maybe we were once, well I thought best friends 7 years ago, Maybe you knew me since I was 3 years old but guess what!?" I shouted at him taking a deep breath before continuing.
"I'm a grown young woman now Salvatore I know how to run and take care of my own life now and I don't want you in it!" I screeched at him glaring daggers into his shocked expression. "I'm 22 years old now Damon, I'm not that 15 year old girl who annoyed the shit out of you anymore, I have moved on and I thought you would of got the F***ing message for the last 7 years that I'm never going to forgive you for what you did!" I screamed at him my chest heaving and tears threatening to spill but I held them back I can't let him see I'm vulnerable at this very moment. "You f***ing broke me on my birthday 7 years ago Damon, you have no clue how much f***ing pain you caused me for about 4 years, f*ck you still cause me pain after 7 years, what you did..." I broke off catching my breath. "It doesn't matter" I say harshly at him. "The only thing that matters is that you shouldn't be here in MY apartment in MY life anymore you should be happily enjoying your own life with the slut Katherine!" I finished my voice lacing with venom as I turn my back on him grab my smoothie in my right hand and start to walk to my bedroom only to be stopped after 2 steps by Damon's hand wrapping strongly around my wrist.

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